Social innovators can now use digital storytelling to share their solutions

Thanks to the launch of the Digital Storytelling Hub of the North-West University (NWU), social innovators now have a brand-new platform where they can share solutions to their communities’ challenges.

Funding received from the European Union programme Erasmus+ (  made the launch of the hub possible, says Bibi Bouwman, NWU's director of Sustainability and Impact.

The hub, which is part of the international Common Good First initiative, was already completed in 2019, but could not be officially launched until 25 February 2022 due to Covid-19 restrictions and financial challenges.

The digital hub ― which can also be converted into a mobile lab and taken to communities ― currently has four computers, 14 tablets, a camera and a microphone. There are also facilitators who assist with copy editing and helping people to upload videos.

Although the platform is mainly designed for social innovators, its principal objectives are to stimulate digital literacy and the idea of storytelling in all types of communities. “It focuses on encouraging people who have found solutions to their own challenges to share their stories. It is about sharing any kind of social innovation with the world, especially between universities and students,” Bibi says.

“When people are willing to share their stories, we provide them with a template to create their own profiles and show them how the process works. All they need is a cell phone that can connect to the internet.”

Training in video production

A digital storytelling workshop and training in video production, where the participants learned how to tell their stories through videos, were presented to coincide with the launch. For the workshop, the participants sat in story circles to share their stories.

“In a story circle, people feel comfortable enough to share their stories, which sometimes can be personal and touching,” Bibi says.

Yaseen Rassulmia of the NWU’s Unit for Open Distance Learning attended the workshop and was part of the “Hope Squad” story circle.

He says the digital platforms will change the way stories are shared. “On behalf of the contingent of the Hope Squad, we would really like to express our gratitude for all the knowledge and experience that we gained at this workshop. It has ignited a passion in all of us to become ambassadors of hope and kindness in all that we do while upholding the flag of the NWU.”

To view Yassen’s digital story, visit:

More about Common Good First

Common Good First is a digital network that aims to identify, showcase and connect community-driven social impact projects with universities, not only locally but internationally, for research, teaching and learning and student engagement purposes.

The NWU is one of six South African universities that seek to connect social innovation projects to each other.

The other local universities are Nelson Mandela University, Rhodes University, the University of Johannesburg, the University of the Free State and the University of the Western Cape.

They connect with six European institutions as part of a consortium that includes Glasgow Caledonian University, Roskilde University, Social Innovation Exchange, University of Alicante, University of Reykjavik and University of South East Norway.

For more information visit


Inside the NWU’s Digital Storytelling Social Innovation Hub.


Bibi Bouwman, NWU's director of Sustainability and Impact says technology such as laptops and tablets are used to create digital stories.


The NWU’s mascot, Eagi, joined the facilitators and participants during the official launch of the hub.

Submitted on Tue, 03/08/2022 - 08:32