NWU Vanderbijlpark champions local CANSA Relay for Life

The CANSA Relay For Life initiative offers the opportunity to celebrate cancer survivors, to remember those who have left us, and to create awareness about cancer. In short: a community event that speaks to a shared ethic of care.

This year will once again see the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark taking hands with the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) to host the annual Vanderbijlpark region CANSA Relay For Life event.

The event, which will mark the seventh year of collaboration between the campus and CANSA, will take place on 28 and 29 September 2019 on the campus grounds.

The theme for the 2019 rendition of the event is medieval and young and old are invited to dress according to the theme and by doing so contribute towards the festive atmosphere for which the event is known.

More about CANSA Relay For Life
CANSA Relay For Life is part of a global movement that unites cancer survivors and the communities that care about them with each other. It offers everyone in a set community, both young and old, the opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer and to honour those who have been touched by the illness. By taking part in the event each participant commits him/herself to the continued fight against the disease, while also proudly volunteering to support those fighting cancer.

The annual Relay for Life represents a unique event that gives hope to those suffering from cancer and their families.

This year the campus will host the event for the seventh year.



Submitted on Fri, 05/17/2019 - 09:26