Change is fast and constant in the new world of work, and degrees no longer safeguard job security or ensure skills relevance. Continued learning, upskilling and reskilling after graduation are essential. Microcredentials could be the answer.
Microcredentials are recognised and certified units of learning outcomes which encompass formal education and validated non-formal learning with pathways to larger qualifications. They are poised to play a pivotal role in facilitating widened access to learning, higher education and completing studies towards formal qualifications. Microcredentials also contribute to improved employability outcomes and the development of a more skilled and adaptable workforce for various industries.
In its mission to strategically position itself to offer microcredentials and viable alternatives to students, the NWU has taken a leading role as one of the first South African universities making the process of learning and obtaining a formal degree more flexible and affordable.
This started in earnest in 2023 when the university adopted a framework on microcredentials. This framework makes provision for giving recognition to the various “standalone” building blocks or credits of formal qualifications.
PoMiSA project highlights transformative potential of microcredentials
“We are currently one of seven countries ― including Namibia, Lesotho, Mauritius, Belgium, Estonia and Ireland ― that are at the forefront of developing a policy framework for microcredentials for the Southern African region,” says Prof Alida Herbst, deputy dean for teaching and learning at the Faculty of Health Sciences.
This policy framework development forms part of the “Potentials of microcredentials in Southern Africa” (PoMiSA) project.
Financed by the European Union, the initiative aims to strengthen higher education and workforce development across the region. It is a collaborative effort among leading African and European universities, national and regional councils, and strategic partners to explore and leverage the transformative potential of microcredentials.
The project’s core objective is to develop higher education capacity through a microcredentials policy in Southern African countries.
According to Prof Herbst, the first part of the PoMiSA project is nearing completion. This part comprises the seven countrys’ reports on the state of play in the partner countries. These reports provide insights into how education systems can adapt to changing industry demands. (The reports are available to view and download from the PoMiSA website at
The NWU team is responsible for Work Package (deliverable) 2* of these reports. The first deliverable consisted of the different countrys’ reports, which were published in the second week of February this year. The next, scheduled to be released by the middle of March, will entail a synthesis report. This is currently under review.
Further work packages in the project are ongoing and will be concluded with a conference in Mauritius in October 2025.
NWU’s microcredentials journey
Microcredentials can bring the curriculum closer to the world of work. To enable the development of microcredentials that offer this flexibility, the NWU Senate has approved a microcredential framework. Its purpose is to ensure accountability for the evidential links between microcredentials and the credentials of which they are part (i.e. the credits and the programmes or qualifications associated with them).
The intention is to ensure the transparency and integrity of the processes involved in identifying, recommending, approving and monitoring microcredentials.
From the NWU’s point of view, the value proposition of microcredentials is being able to deliver the highest quality of service to registered students, as well as non-registered participants enrolled for a microcredential, by providing accurate, timeous and relevant information
“We are excited about the possibilities opened up by microcredentials, both for our students and our external stakeholders, and have progressed significantly with our plan to launch microcredentials at the NWU,” says Prof Linda du Plessis, deputy vice-chancellor for teaching and learning.
Workshop assesses the NWU'S readiness
In September 2024, Prof Herman van der Merwe and the PoMiSA team acquired the expertise of international expert Dr Caroline Steel to conduct an NWU Microcredentials Readiness workshop.
This workshop used Dr Steel’s structured, benchmarked framework to assess the university’s institutional readiness and maturity for microcredentials, aligning with global trends. It focused on the questions “Why?”, “Who?”, “How?” and ‘What?” of microcredentials in relation to the NWU
The assessment found that the NWU is at an experimental stage of readiness and maturity, actively exploring microcredentials.
Prof Herman indicated that the findings clearly highlighted opportunities, challenges and strategic recommendations to advance the NWU's readiness and maturity for microcredentials.
The next step in the NWU’s microcredentials journey is to create a "Microcredentials pathways project" that will guide it in creating a collaborative roadmap that aligns microcredentials with workforce needs, digital learning trends and NWU strategy.
Some of the immediate tasks that are part of this include:
· hosting a strategy workshop to refine a future-facing microcredential roadmap;
· developing and piloting research and artificial intelligence (AI)-related microcredentials; and
· developing and piloting industry-aligned microcredentials via a grant programme (investigate the possibility of co-funding from industry).
"By taking strategic action in these areas, the NWU can scale microcredentials sustainably, positioning itself as a national leader in this form of education," says Prof Herman.
* More about Work Package 2
The primary deliverable of Work Package 2 is a synthesis report. This report examines the state of micro-credential conceptualisation, policy development and implementation in Estonia, Belgium (Flanders), Ireland, Lesotho, Mauritius, Namibia and South Africa.
According to Prof Herman, each country produced a report structured around a common template covering four research themes: microcredential conceptualisation, public and private sector providers, implementation and effectiveness, and policy development.
“The report consolidates findings to provide an overview of microcredential practices and policies, although context and data consistency variations present some limitations. The analysis employed a framework analysis methodology (FAM), specifically the 'best fit' framework synthesis, to ensure a comprehensive and adaptable synthesis of findings,” he says.
** More about microcredentials
A microcredential is a “standalone building block” of a formal qualification. At the NWU, a bachelor’s degree consists of at least three years of studying. Each of these years comprises various modules, each bearing credits. A student in South Africa needs 120 credits per year adding up to 360 in total. Most international universities have a similar practice. This is where microcredentials might play an essential role. Smaller microcrenditials can add up to a full medule. Students can, for instance, complete two or three microcredentials and receive a badge for each that will count toward the eventual module.” To learn more visit:…

Prof Alida Herbst

Prof Linda du Plessis

Prof Herman van der Merwe