News24 selects NWU innovator as a Young Mandela

The legacy and impact of former President Nelson Mandela in changing people’s lives for the better remain a milestone to aspire to.

News24 recently selected their Young Mandelas for 2024 ─ celebrating a new generation of young champions who are committed to building the South Africa of Madiba’s dreams.

Ian Thomson, a PhD student and lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering of the North-West University (NWU), is one of these 30 exceptional young people chosen for their remarkable achievements. He was named winner in the innovation category.

“I truly believe that this accolade should have gone not only to me, but to the whole NWU assistive devices research team who are working tirelessly to ensure that our innovations are groundbreaking and reliable. I am so proud of what we have achieved so far and am extremely excited about what we are currently busy with as we prepare to showcase our devices and prosthetics on the international stage.”

African devices for African conditions

A life-changing motorcycle accident in high school resulted in the loss of Ian’s lower right leg. He did not allow this tragedy to stop him from pursuing his dreams and turned it into a mission to better others’ lives. Ian has dedicated his research to developing affordable, accessible and advanced prosthetics for amputees.

“Some of the devices currently available on the market are not only extremely expensive ─ it can cost up to a million rand for some ─ but are also not specifically tailored for Africa and our unique needs. There is also not a lot of maintenance support in most areas in Africa for these overseas designs once people start using them.”

Ian and his colleagues travelled throughout South Africa, visiting prosthetists to find out what the specific needs are. “We used this information to develop our designs. The next phase will be to venture further into Africa and develop prostheses and assistive devices for the rest of the continent.”

News24 says Ian is not just an engineer. The media group describes him as a visionary dedicated to improving life in Africa, one innovation at a time.

“His journey reflects a deep commitment to service and an unyielding spirit of perseverance, making him a true embodiment of the values Mandela represented.”

En route to the 2024 Cybathlon

Ian’s innovations will soon be showcased at the 2024 Cybathlon Challenge in Switzerland, where he will serve as the "pilot" for the NWU Eagles team.

“It is very exciting. We are focusing now on ensuring that everything is ready for this event,” says Ian.

The Cybathlon is an international event that showcases how advanced engineering can be used to create assistive devices for everyday use.

For more information about Ian’s and the NWU’s journey towards the Cybathlon, visit:….


Ian and the team aim to ensure that their groundbreaking innovations shine at this year’s Cybathlon.


Ian Thomson, a 29-year-old PhD student in Engineering at the NWU, is a beacon of innovation and resilience. Photo: Picture Café.


Submitted on Mon, 07/29/2024 - 12:55