Human Interest News

Optentia launches two short courses

Mentoring adds value at many levels for mentees, mentors and supervisors and can benefit all parties involved. Developing this relationship helps the parties to learn new things, build their networks, and grow as professionals.

To ensure success in the mentoring relationship, the Faculty of Humanities at the North-West University (NWU)…

Alumnus shines as designer of Miss South Africa crown

Kealeboga Pule, a North-West University (NWU) alumnus and LLB graduate, has gracefully woven his creative brilliance into the fabric of the Miss South Africa pageant.

As managing director and co-founder of Nungu Diamonds, Kealeboga’s design excellence is responsible for crafting the dazzling new Miss South Africa crown that has captured…

Celebrating the importance of women

By Menziwa Msibi

The Arts and Culture office on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus recently hosted a Women’s Month celebration event themed “My sister’s keeper”.

The purpose of the event was to celebrate women and the importance of mental health. Discussions focused on the importance of…

You go, our NWU netball Eagles

The North-West University (NWU) would like to wish our NWU Eagles the best of luck during the Varsity Netball tournament. You have shown time and again what remarkable people and exceptional players you are. Your commitment, hard work and ethic of care has made us proud, and we know that you will give nothing but your best on the court.

Hard fought victory for NWU Eagles

Scoring in the 95th minute of the game through a header by Kgopotso Moshapo after a well-taken corner, the North-West University (NWU) Eagles secured victory against the Central University of Technology (CUT) in the fourth round of the Varsity Football tournament.

The NWU exhibited early dominance in this home game, particularly in the…

Lucy Twani: Taking the lead on netball player development

Player development: it is imbedded in the core of netball at the North-West University (NWU), and if there is a more enthusiastic proponent of this than Lucy Twani, this person will be hard to find.

Lucy is the high-performance netball coach for the junior teams at the Potchefstroom Campus, and it is because of this 27-year-old’s…

NWU adds another top placement to its impressive performance in rankings

The North-West University (NWU) has added another top placement to its impressive show in international rankings. The ShanghaiRanking Consultancy ranks the NWU in the category for the top 5 to 7 South African universities in its 2023 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU).

The placing in the 5 to 7 category is an improvement from…

Technology: Geekulcha promotes diversity and inclusivity

The Geekulcha Student Society on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Vanderbijlpark Campus recently hosted a Women in Tech event to highlight the need for diversity and inclusivity in the technology industry.

According to head of the project Dean Dube, the overarching theme focused on empowerment and skill development, showcasing how…

School of Nursing lends a helping hand

The School of Nursing on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus recently extended a helping hand to the Legae Motheo orphanage situated in Seweding village.

This charitable effort was an embodiment of the school's commitment to giving back to the community and addressing the needs of those less fortunate.


GIFT goes international

A research team from the Global, Innovative, Forefront, Talent (GIFT) Management research niche area in the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (FEMS) recently traveled to Hungary to collaborate with the University of Miskolc.

The trip was financed by the European Union’s Erasmus funding programme…