Faculties News

NWU to mentally gear up South Africa’s Olympic athletes

The Centre for Health and Human Performance (CHHP) at the North-West University (NWU) has only grown from strength to strength since its recent inception. This latest achievement confirms the fact that they are a dynamic centre with serious intent and operating at the highest level.

Living his dream all the way over in Germany

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. This is true for Mattheus van Niekerk, an alumnus of the NWU Faculty of Engineering.

Mattheus studied for his BEng Mechanical Engineering degree at the NWU from 2009 to 2012 on…

New book highlights migrants’ mental health challenges

Horrific scenes of migrants who have perished on the high seas while in search of a better life is a too-familiar sight on television screens, online and in newspaper pages. Extreme hunger, repressive governments and ethnic and religious conflicts are cited as among the contributory factors for the crises. A North-West University (NWU) academic…

Study shows how children benefit from physical activity in the classroom

When children are physically active, their brains and bodies benefit. This has again been demonstrated by an eight-country Brain Breaks ® study in which the North-West University (NWU) participated. From the NWU’s side, Prof Dané Coetzee at the School of Human Movement Sciences led the charge. The collective research was published in an article…

Study investigates the root of violence in schools

Teaching is often seen as a calling rather than a career. But that calling quickly turns into a nightmare when teachers are attacked by the very people they are trying to educate. Over the past few years, there have been numerous reports in the media of learners physically assaulting, stabbing and even shooting their teachers. Dr Michael…

Behind the scenes of a pandemic

“A learning experience like no other.” This is how Prof Petra Bester, director of the Africa Unit for Transdisciplinary Health Research (AUTHeR) at the North-West University (NWU), describes the unit’s exposure to the inner workings of the North West province’s efforts to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. In the early days of the pandemic, AUTHeR…

NWU researcher investigates role of traditional medicine in skin disorders

Many people rely on traditional plant remedies to treat skin disorders, and now a North-West University (NWU) researcher has investigated why these plants are effective, paving the way for further research by the pharmaceutical industry. “The use of indigenous knowledge in providing primary healthcare, especially in most indigenous African…

Accounting Sciences flies the NWU flag high

When it comes to academic excellence, the North-West University (NWU) prides itself on being the best.

The School of Accounting Sciences recently added another feather to the university’s cap when the school walked away with four awards during the international Chartered Institute of…

South Africa post-2020: Covid-19 and the economy (part 2)

It was not the aftermath of the storm. Indeed, the rain was still pelting down, but South Africa’s economic ship needed to be steered towards lost prosperity. In this, the second part of a series of articles, Professor Raymond Parsons from the Business School at the North-West University (NWU), looks at how the easing of the lockdown…

South Africa post-2020: Covid-19 and the economy (part 1)

The year 2020 will be remembered as one of unprecedented uncertainty, and 2021 looks set to not buck its predecessor’s trend. Prof Raymond Parsons from the Business School at the North-West University (NWU) looks ahead at what the new year will hold for the South African economy and consumers alike. This is the first part of a series of…