
Mr Diteboho Xaba
I have published more 15 articles in the areas of optimization and financial econometrics. Furthermore, most of the students are have co-supervise (Masters Students) and supervise are conducting their studies in these two areas. Currently, I am study my PhD in the very same area of financial econometrics using nonlinear models.
Physical Address
Mahikeng Campus
Academic Building
1st Floor
Office 130 (Block A)
Telephone Number
018 389 2195
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Other Media
- Katleho Makatjane, Ntebogang Moroke and Diteboho Xaba (2017).Threshold Cointegration and Nonlinear Casuality test between Inflation rate and Repo rate, Journal of Economics And Behavioral Studies; Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 163-170.
- Xaba, D., Moroke, N.D., Arkaah, J. and Pooe, C. (2017). A Comparative Study of Stock Price Forecasting Using Nonlinear Models. Risk governance & control: financial markets & institutions, 7(2), 7-18.
- Diteboho Xaba, Ntebogang Dinah Moroke, Johnson Arkaah, and Charlemagne Pooe (2016) “Modeling South African Banks Closing Stock Prices: A Markov-Switching Approach”, Journal of Economics And Behavioral Studies; Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 36-40.
- Katleho Daniel Makatjane, Diteboho Xaba (2016). An Early Warning System for Inflation: Using Markov-Switching and Logistic Models Approach” Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Winter 2016.
- D.Xaba, N.Maruma, M. Banda, D.Metsileng and T. Tsoku (2013), “Application of Queuing Theory in Van Schaike Bookstore: A case of Mahikeng Campus”, European Journal of Social Sciences; Vol.38 No 4, 581-590.
- D. Metsileng, G. Mokhai, T. Tsoku and D. Xaba (2013), “Econometric Analysis of the Long-Run Relationship between the effective Exchange Rate (Currency) and Trade Balance: A Case Study of South Africa”, European Journal of Social Sciences; Vol.38 No 4, 601-618.