I believe that as researchers we are positioned to provide practitioners with enhanced tools to overcome any challenges currently faced in these industries. My research focuses on how theory can be used in practice and help practitioners in the financial sector to understand the behaviour of financial market participants and their risk profiles. With this research and my researcher partners have been collaborating with a private investment firm in South Africa to help perfect their investment client profile.
Therefore, my research is aimed at providing information to the industry that can be applied practically, by understanding the behaviour of market participants (behavioural finance) in the investment and banking industry. This area of research has also extended into the banking sector to better profile the behaviour of depositors and their behavioural finance biases. A more critical analysis has also been done on the demographic profile of bank customers relating to their banking behaviour. This will also enable banks to predict possible bank runs and minimize losses. Some of my research has also looked into how behavioural finance (herding behaviour of investors) on the stock market can lead to extreme volatility in a firms stock price and possible losses.
Over the years I have delivered more than 8 postgraduate students along with a recent PhD student. In my career, I have managed to publish more than 30 research articles in internationally recognised journals. Between 2020 and 2021 the last 2 years, I have published an average of eight articles per year in high quality, peer-reviewed journals to make my contribution to the field of banking and finance. Up to date I have an output of 17,23 in total research output.
Vanderbijlpark campus
Building 4 (new A7) room 224
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sune-Ferreira
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3112-4132
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=53qrWBIAAAAJ