Executive dean to be acting judge in the High Court

Being appointed to the bench is the pinnacle of achievement for any legal professional, signifying the highest recognition of one’s ability and commitment to justice.  Serving as a judge in the superior courts of the country is a prestigious honour sought after by most in the legal fraternity.   

Dr Neo Morei, the executive dean of the Faculty of Law at the North-West University (NWU), has received this distinguished appointment as an acting judge from Mr Ronald Lamola, the former Minister of Justice and Correctional Services. She will fulfil this role at the North West Division of the High Court from 4 November to 6 December 2024.   

Reflecting on her appointment, she expressed her surprise and excitement: “It was unexpected to be approached by Judge Ronald Hendricks of the North West Division of the High Court, who asked me if I would be available for this rare opportunity.” She considers this a profound honour, stating that “serving on the bench was always a goal I had from the beginning of my legal career, although my path eventually led me to academia”.

Dr Morei credits her role as executive dean of the Faculty of Law for contributing towards her having been considered for this position. “It brought me visibility. I always say that the NWU has been instrumental in my journey, laying a strong foundation from my days as a student assistant. I progressed steadily through the ranks within the faculty, starting as a junior lecturer, moving from lecturer to senior lecturer, then serving as head of department, director, deputy dean, and now as executive dean. I have been consistent and dedicated, earning my place every step of the way. The NWU has taught me that everyone has untapped potential; it just needs to be unlocked.”  

Dr Morei’s message to the youth of South Africa is one of encouragement: “This appointment proves that regardless of your background, anything is achievable. I come from Phokeng village, not a metropolitan city, yet I pursued my dreams without hesitation. Perseverance and humility have brought me here.” 

She concludes with her formula for success: Hard work, focus, and a positive mindset.

The NWU family congratulates her and has full confidence that she will carry out this responsibility with dignity and honour. 

Dr Neo Morei, executive dean of the NWU’s Faculty of Law.

Submitted on Fri, 06/21/2024 - 10:57