CTL launches Math and Stats Centre in Vanderbijlpark

Admit it. No one likes to acknowledge that subjects like mathematics, statistics and programming cause them sleepless nights. More so, asking for help can be daunting as well. 

These headaches are however something of the past thanks to the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark.

CTL recently opened a Math and Stats Centre where face-to-face tutoring in a welcoming, friendly and supportive environment is offered to all students. And best of all? The service is rendered free of charge.

The team from CTL recently took to the campus to promote the centre among students, and invited students to visit the venue, meet with the tutors and the centre manager, Erna Bisschoff. 

According to Erna, the centre represents a one-stop learning hub and offers students access to a wide-range of traditional and innovative learning resources to facilitate better understanding and enhance knowledge acquisition.

Since the commencement of the centre’s services in May 2019, the number of students visiting the centre has grown in leaps and bound. Leading up to the exams in June more than 300 students benefitted from the service.

Erna adds that the walk-in service differs from other academic support initiatives in the sense that individual attention is given immediately when needed – opposed to students having to wait for scheduled supplemental instruction (SI) or mentoring and tutoring sessions.

Visit the centre today

The Math and Stats Centre is housed in Building 6, Room G10 and is open on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00.

More about the CTL service repertoire

The dedicated team from CTL provides expert support and a hands-on approach to assist students on their path to academic success. Through a wide range of support services, such as reading development, supplemental instruction, mentoring and tutoring, student academic success – including access, retention, attainment and success – is enhanced.

For more about the CTL service repertoire, visit their website.


The CTL team on the campus in Vanderbijlpark recently embarked on an information drive to raise awareness of the newly established Math and Stats Centre.

Erna Bisschoff, manager of the Math and Stats Centre.


Submitted on Tue, 09/10/2019 - 10:14