Community Outreach 2017 – first-year students give their time and hearts

For some people, volunteering and community service are an optional extra; something you do when you have time and additional resources at your disposal. This is not the case on the Vanderbijlpark Campus of the North-West University.

Picture this: approximately 800 first-year students – from all walks of life, singing and smiling whilst sweeping floors, cooking dinners, entertaining little ones, and visiting senior citizens at several old age homes. This is exactly how a large cohort of the new intake of first-year students spent their first weekend at their new academic home. The first years – grouped in their respective residences, together with the Campus Student Representative Council (CSRC) visited several charitable organisations:

  • Vukuzenzele Old Age Home, Sebokeng
  • Sebokeng Old Age Home
  • Lost People’s Bureau, Sebokeng
  • Nyakallong Home for the Disabled, Sebokeng
  • Musapatsela Old Age Home, Evaton
  • Ebenezer Home, Evaton
  • Katleho Home for the Disabled, Evaton

According to Mr Jacob Simango, Director of Student Engagement and Leadership (SEAL), community service is important because it provides students with an opportunity to experience the realities of those less fortunate than themselves while also being able to touch lives in a positive manner. “Knowing that you can make an impact on someone else’s life, through simple actions, makes community service not only a rewarding experience but also fills one with a sense of pride,” says Simango. It is also his opinion that community service provides students with opportunities to become active in the community and therefore positive contributors to society.

“Participating in community service activities enhance the students’ resume by allowing them to obtain work related skills prior to graduation, provides them with good references for employers in regards to community involvement, as well as having an opportunity to do networking with potential future employers. Also, students develop civic and social responsibility skills and become more aware of their community needs,” says Simango.



Submitted on Wed, 02/01/2017 - 12:13