Community News

NWU hopes to stem CORONA’s surge

COVID-19. A denomination for a world epidemic that will live in infamy. In 1918 one-third of the world’s population became infected with a virus we now call the Spanish Flu. Millions died. More suffered. Endless story of those fateful years will forever be told.  

COVID-19 is the newest iteration of an age-old foe that was then -…

NWU engineers rising to the Covid-19 challenge

The world, and now more recently our nation, is faced with difficult times as the recent Covid-19 pandemic turns life as we know it upside down. A team at the Faculty of Engineering from the North-West University (NWU), in collaboration with other experts involved in this unsettling battle, is rising to the challenge to support our…

Cooperation: A universal law

The North-West University prides itself as being not only one of the top-ranking universities in the country, but in Africa as well. In addition to that, the university boast numerous international partnerships that puts it on the forefront of our forward global surge towards creating a future that is rife with possibilities and unbound by…

Coronavirus pandemic: economic-impact scenarios in an uncertain environment

A development economist from the North-West University (NWU) says for South Africa to survive the current coronavirus pandemic, the current lockdown must be a success and the virus must be brought under control by the end of April.

Prof Danie Meyer, director of the TRADE research focus area at the NWU, says it is also of the utmost…

Let the NWU help you cope during lockdown

Have you been constantly anxious, having panic attacks or feeling depressed since South Africa went into lockdown due to Covid-19? Has the loss of everyday social connections left you frustrated, angry and demotivated with a general low mood?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the social distancing and lockdown of the…

Take a 3D online tour of the NWU’s art exhibitions during lockdown

With the country being on lock down for the next few weeks, the North-West University (NWU) Gallery will entertain you from the comfort of your own home.

From 2 April until 5 May the gallery will display 3D online exhibitions of Phoka Nyokong and Philiswa Lila, previous winners of the ABSA L’Atelier Gerard Sekoto Award.

Postdoctoral fellow from Malaysia Joins Optentia

International postdoctoral fellows play an important role in spearheading postgraduate research activity at the North-West University (NWU). This type of internationalisation also supports the NWU’s drive to benefit society trough excellence in innovative learning and teaching and cutting edge research. 

The Optentia research focus area…

NWU experts heed the call to serve the African continent

The North-West University (NWU) is extending its footprint widely across the African continent in realising its dream to be an internationally recognised university in Africa, distinguished for engaged scholarship, social responsiveness and an ethic of care.

WePROTECT African Union Global Summit

Just recently Prof Johnny Strijdom,…

NWU’s Optentia boasts impressive list of extraordinary professors

When it comes to creating a hub of national and international knowledge, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Optentia research focus area is leading the charge.

No fewer than four extraordinary professors have been appointed at the research focus area of late:

Prof Kristen Betts Prof Marieta du Plessis Prof Ståle Pallesen…

Not all superheroes wear capes

In the turbulent times in which we currently find ourselves, huge emphasis is being placed on the major role that healthcare workers play in our societies.

Nurses and midwives, among others, are the people who devote their lives to caring for mothers and children; giving life-saving immunisations and health advice; looking after…