Community News

NWU to host virtual career fair

With the unemployment rate at an alarming 30,1% in South Africa, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Career Centre is pulling out all the stops to ensure that its graduates find employment.

On 21 October the Career Centre will host a virtual career fair for all NWU students from 09:00 to 16:00.

The career fair is aimed at…

NWU stalwart Prof Lynette Drevin talks about Experian data breach

“Everybody should be cautious when they get unsolicited emails or telephone calls. Do not give out any sensitive information and be cautious of what is called ‘social engineering’ attacks. People who have certain soft skills and try to pose as a person with authority, persuading the individual being contacted to divulge personal information…

NWU student shines at Environmental Law conference

North-West University (NWU) law student Nicolene Steyn recently won second prize for best speaker/presentation at the 9th Environmental Law Association (ELA) student’s online conference.

Several NWU law students attended the conference themed “(Re)configuring environmental law amidst Covid-19” and hosted by the University of Pretoria…

How six days in Potchefstroom saved Australia

By Bertie Jacobs

Our dreaded enemy, our mortal foes. The Australian cricket team elicits a special kind of response from South Africans (and every other test-playing nation), most notably in the form of vitriol and expressions not fit for the printed or digital page. Battles between our respective bests, especially in the red ball…

NWU boasts three of Mail & Guardian’s most outstanding young South Africans

An academic and two alumni of the North-West University (NWU) have been announced as two of the winners of the 2020 Mail & Guardian 200 Most Outstanding Young South Africans on 11 September 2020.

They are senior lecturer and researcher in physiology Dr Lebo Gafane-Matemane, and alumni advocate Thabang Pooe and Dr Ndumiso Mazibuko…

NWU hosts lecture on academic freedom

The North-West University (NWU) successfully hosted its second annual public lecture on academic freedom on 2 September. This year’s lecture was presented by Dr Sijbolt Noorda, the current president of the Magna Charta Observatory in Bologna, Italy.

By way of introduction, both Prof Klaus Beiter, as moderator of the event, and Prof…

Dialogue examines service delivery and violent protests in North West

The North-West University (NWU) hosted a successful online dialogue on 11 September 2020 during which issues on service delivery and violent protests in the North West province were discussed.

Dialogue participants included NWU academics in the field of public administration, representatives from the Department of Community Safety…

Creating hope, one module at a time

Patch Adams, an American physician and social activist, once said: “We can never get a recreation of community and heal our society without giving our citizens a sense of belonging.” Now, perhaps more than ever, South Africa is in dire need of this.

During 2013 Dr Johan Jordaan, a senior lecturer at the North-West University (NWU)…

Gender-based violence – help is needed for the victims

Over the past five months there have been numerous stories in the media about victims being harassed, attacked and even murdered by their intimate partners. According to Statistics SA, the incidence of gender-based violence (GBV) in South Africa is five times higher than the global average.

Prof Hayley Walker-Williams, a practicing…

NWU to host dialogue on service delivery and violent protests in North West

The North-West University (NWU) will be hosting an online dialogue on service delivery and violent protests in the North West province on 11 September 2020.

The event will be broadcasted via the NWU Facebook page as well as the NWU YouTube channel at 15:00.

Participants in this dialogue will include NWU academics in the field…