Academic News

Another feather in Louis Kotzé’s hat

Prestigious achievements are no longer uncommon for Prof Louis Kotzé, although this humble research professor in environmental law at the Faculty of Law at the North-West University (NWU) will differ from anyone who says so.

In January last year he was informed that his application for European Commission Horizon 2020 Marie Curie…

NWU academics motivated to find water crisis solutions

For the past few years a number of areas in South Africa have been battling with water crises. The Water Research Commission (WRC) recently visited the North-West University (NWU) as part of their roadshow campaign to address this issue.

The aim of the road show was to motivate academics to submit innovative water solution proposals…

NWU PhD student presents exciting research to combat protein energy malnutrition

Adegboyega Taofeek Tope, a PhD student in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences of the North-West University (NWU), received the first prize in two thematic areas for the best oral presentation during the 21st Symposium of the International Association of Research Scholars and Fellows (IARSAF).

The symposium took place at…

NWU public lecture examines scholarship

On 16 April 2018 the North-West University’s (NWU’s) deputy vice-chancellor for research and innovation, Prof Refilwe Phaswana-Mafuya, invited members of the public and media to the fourth public lecture within the NWU Research and Innovation Seminar Series.

“The NWU is a great institution with remarkable scientists, and this…

Formalised curiosity at the Faculty of Theology

“Research is formalised curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose,” said the American novelist Zora Neale Hurston. It is a sentiment that rings as true today as it did all those many decades ago. It is also a maxim that the Faculty of Theology at the North-West University (NWU) has embraced with a fervour.

The does not merely…

Three NWU researchers rewarded for outstanding work

Three researchers of the North-West University (NWU) received awards for their work from the South African Academy for Science and Arts.

Prof Leonie Stander of the Faculty of Law received the Toon van den Heever prize for law, Prof Tiaan Brink of the Faculty of Health Sciences received the FARMOVS prize for pharmacology and drug…

Hat trick for women during NWU’s Institutional Teaching Excellence Awards

The North-West University (NWU) celebrated the cream of its lecturing crop during its Institutional Teaching Excellence Awards ceremony (ITEA). Acknowledging the best lecturers, this annual event took place on 19 April in Potchefstroom.

Three women took top honours during the awards ceremony. Dr Carolina Botha of the Faculty of…

Traditional African astronomy opens up academic’s gaze

African people have been observing the stars and planets since ancient times and modern-day science is now paying close attention to the wealth of knowledge within traditional African astronomy.

Prof Thebe Medupe, an academic at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Mahikeng, uses his research to shed light on the ancient…

Gerontology: Adding life to years of older people in Africa

Within the next 30 years the number of older people in Africa will grow from 46 million to 170 million. This is the problem that the continent will be facing by 2050, said Prof Jaco Hoffman from the Optentia research focus area at a recent Course on Social Gerontology in Southern Africa.

This course was hosted by the focus area in…

Proper treatment could prevent children dying from malnutrition

Nutrition researchers at the Centre of Excellence for Nutrition (CEN) of the North-West University (NWU) are doing important research on the treatment effects of severe acute malnutrition in Sub-Sahara Africa. Their findings will be used by the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF…