Vanderbijlpark Campus News

Campus community steps into slippers to support seriously ill children

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Student Counselling and Development (SCD) division on the Vanderbijlpark Campus rallied up staff and students to support Slipper Day on 31 May.

Slipper Day is an annual fundraising event organised by Reach For A Dream that sees everyone from school children to corporate teams wear their slippers and Slipper Day stickers – all in support of seriously ill children who are in desperate need of hope and encouragement.

The theme for this year's Slipper Day was "Step into My Slippers," focusing on empathy, fun and stepping into the shoes of… Read more

UARM welcomes new extraordinary professor

The Centre for Applied Risk Management (UARM) is welcoming Dutch research pioneer, Prof Gert Jan Hofstede, in its midst as an extraordinary professor.

Prof Hofstede will deliver his prestige lecture on 19 November 2018 at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark.

The topic of his prestige lecture will be “…

All systems go for annual Eco Health and Wellbeing Research Conference

To complement research in multidisciplinary environments on eco-health and wellbeing topics, the North-West University (NWU) is hosting the 9th annual Eco Health and Wellbeing Research Conference on 15 and 16 November 2018.

The conference provides an opportunity for, especially Higher Education and Training (HET) research initiatives, done…

All of us has a place in history

As a historian Prof Elize van Eeden is often confronted with questions pertaining to the relevance of studying history. Her answer to such critics? “History is inescapable and as such all people are living histories.”

During a recent award ceremony of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Humanities on the campus in Vanderbijlpark…

NWU expert sheds light on competitive intelligence in sport

Competitive intelligence lends a helping hand to your aspirations by equipping you with information that will assist in the quest to put an athlete on the podium.

This is according to Dr Liandi van den Berg, an expert in sport management at the North-West University (NWU).

Dr Van der Berg recently facilitated a workshop on…

Bye-bye birdie as Fanie lands a PGA eagle

Fanie Roos, a lecturer in sport management, recently became the first North-West University (NWU) representative to address the prestigious Professional Golfers Association of South Africa (PGA-SA).

 And come January 2019, he will be jetting off to Orlando, Florida, to attend the international PGA Coaching and Teaching Summit.

NWU breaking new ground for fempreneurs

It was a night of high-fashion and festivity, aptly befitting of the celebrated group of female entrepreneurs ready to impact the world of work. The 2018 Gala Awards of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Enterprising Women Programme saw 28 women graduating from the programme.

This gala event recently took place at the Emerald Hotel in…

Swedish experts collaborate with NWU

Imagine the interesting discussions around the breakfast table when the husband studies role of European Union politics in Sweden and his wife gender equality in higher education.

Esteemed political scientists, Prof Daniel and Dr Charlotte Silander from Linnaeus University in Sweden (LNU), recently visited the North-West University’s (NWU’s…

Study helps postgrads cope

Global research has shown that only half of enrolled master’s and PhD students actually finish their studies. Around 40% of the same group battle with mental illness such as depression and anxiety. Coincidence? Laura Weiss thinks not.

Dr Laura Weiss, a postdoctoral researcher at Optentia research focus area on the North-West University’s (…

Social service information is just an app away for senior citizens

On a dusty street of a village in the North West Province a group of 12-year-olds are cheering each other on as they play kgati, an indigenous game using a skipping rope. As the game intensifies one of them hears her grandmother shouting from the kitchen, requesting her to go to their ward counsellor’s house and ask if social grants will be paid…

Gr8 Success! – a serious game for teaching soft skills

Meet Faith Sibiya and Carl Thomson. They are two typical varsity students. Faith is an eccentric foot-dragger and always finds an excuse to do that really important assignment… tomorrow. Carl, on the other hand, is an inattentive fusspot. In less than six months’ time, both of them have to set foot in the world of work.

Do they know that…