NWU helps staff to cope during lockdown

The North-West University (NWU) is calling on all staff members who are overwhelmed and worried about their loved ones during the current lockdown to participate in their online mental health workshop.

Since the country has been on lockdown the NWU has hosted two webinars for staff members to help them cope with the loss of everyday social connections that have left many frustrated, angry and demotivated with a general low mood.

According to Prof Pieter Kruger, a consultant clinical psychologist and director of the NWU’s Centre for Health and Human Performance (CHHP), a lot of people who have attended these workshops are extremely happy with the outcome.

“A number of participants expressed how informative and helpful the information they receive from the webinar is and appreciated the, all the coping activities and methods they received,” says Prof Kruger.

He adds that more than 110 staff members have participated since they have started hosting these webinars.

How to join in

The 75 minute long webinar that will be presented via Zoom on Thursday 23 April 14:00-15:30, will identify the main psychological challenges posed by a pandemic such as Covid-19.

Each webinar can accommodate a maximum of 300 participants. All you need to connect to this essential workshop is a desktop computer or laptop with a webcam (or an iPad), a decent internet connection and a quiet space to sit down.

Participants can join this Zoom Meeting at https://zoom.us/j/98982522195

What to expect during the webinar

During the webinar, Prof Kruger, will explain the latest research in the fields of cognitive behavioural psychology and neuroscience, providing participants with an understanding of the mechanics of anxiety and why the brain struggles to deal with uncertainty.

The workshop will also explore some of the particular psychological challenges related to the Covid-19 lockdown, including self-isolation and social distancing.

Prof Kruger will also provide participants with evidence-based tools and techniques to help them deal with anxiety effectively and incorporate functional behaviours during this challenging time. This will be followed by a short question and answer session and a referral to further resources.


Submitted on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 13:50