Four NWU researchers in running for Science Oscars

Four scientists of the North-West University (NWU) are finalists in the National Science and Technology’s (NSTF) prestigious science awards, also known as the “Science Oscars” of South Africa.

Prof Louis du Preez (zoology), Prof Alta Schutte (cardiovascular physiology), Prof Melville Saayman (tourism) and Prof Linda Godfrey (waste research) were announced as finalists in this year’s awards for their outstanding contributions to science, engineering and technology (SET) and innovation in South Africa.

One of the strategic objectives of the NSTF is to promote and celebrate excellence in research, SET capacity building and education, SET communication, innovation and SET activities that can have a positive impact on society and improve people’s lives.

Prof Du Preez is a finalist in two categories, Communication (Outreach and creating awareness) and Special Annual Theme Award (sustainable tourism for development). He is a professor of zoology at the Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management on the NWU’s campus in Potchefstroom.

Prof Schutte is a finalist in the TW Kambule-NSTF Award for research and its outputs by an individual over a period of up to 15 years after receiving a PhD. She is professor of physiology and funded by the Department of Science and Technology as the South African Research Chair (SARChI) in the Early Detection and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in South Africa - hosted by the Hypertension in Africa Research Team (HART) at the NWU.

Prof Schutte is also the unit director of Medical Research Council Extramural Unit for Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease.

Prof Saayman is a finalist in the Lifetime Award by an individual over a period of 15 years or more, as well as for the Special Annual Theme Award for Sustainable Tourism for Development.

He is the director of Tourism Research in Economic Environs and Society Unit (TREES).

Prof Godfrey is a finalist in the category of the NSTF-Green Matter Award for biodiversity, conservation, environmental sustainability and a greener economy. She is an extraordinary associate professor at the Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management.

Prof Godfrey is the principal scientist at the CSIR of the Waste for Development Research Group and the Manager: Waste Research, Development and Innovation Roadmap Implementation Unit managed by the CSIR on behalf of the Department of Science and Technology.

The winners of the different categories will be announced at a prestigious awards gala dinner on 29 June.

Prof Alta Schutte.   Prof Linda Godfrey.
Prof Louis du Preez.   Prof Melville Saayman.


Submitted on Mon, 06/26/2017 - 09:49