Faculties News

TRADE takes international collaboration to the next level

The TRADE research focus area at the North-West University (NWU) hosted an online world tour to take international collaboration to the next level in the time of Covid-19.

Prof Danie Meyer, a development economist and director of TRADE, says the event, which took place on 2 October, was organised with the aim to ensure that “we at the…

Centre of Excellence in Carbon-based Fuels hosts symposium in renewable and sustainable energy

The Renewable Energy Postgraduate Symposium (REPS) is an annual event hosted by the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies at Stellenbosch University for postgraduate students working in any of the fields of renewable and sustainable energy.

The symposium allows young researchers to present and share their research work…

Marlene’s undying fighting spirit

It’s exciting to be a university student, but it is also very challenging on so many levels: figuring out a career, managing your time, and, for Marlene Taylor, finding out that she has kidney stones.

The 23-year-old Marlene Taylor is from Vanderbijlpark and the youngest of three siblings. She enrolled for her BA degree in Language and…

NWU’s Prof Kellner appointed on ministerial advisory board

Prof Klaus Kellner from the North-West University (NWU) was recently appointed by the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Ms Barbara Creecy, to serve on the Conservation Advisory Board.

With close to 40 years of experience in academia and in the field of natural and agricultural sciences, he has been described as the…

NWU promotes inclusion and acceptance

The North-West University (NWU) is constantly working towards building a culture of inclusion and acceptance. To this end, it has put in place policies and programmes that promote gender and language equality.

The university has a multilingual language policy that aims to develop Setswana, Sesotho, Afrikaans and English as official…

Breastfeeding during Covid-19 – a risk or a benefit?

The Covid-19 pandemic is disrupting normal life globally, and every area of life is touched. The pandemic demands quick action, and as new information emerges, reliable syntheses and guidelines for care are urgently needed.

It is no secret that breastfeeding protects mother and child. Its health benefits are undisputed and based on…

NWU Business School Think Tank on local government

The Business School of the North-West University (NWU) held its fourth digital Think Tank on the state of local government in South Africa, with the focus on the section 139 interventions in local government.

Four presenters were invited to participate and a lively discussion took place afterwards. Mr Ben Bole, a PhD student at the…

Policy priorities lie with urgent economic reforms

South Africa’s basic policy priorities now lie with urgently implementing overdue economic reforms and ensuring security of electricity supply to boost investor confidence, says NWU Business School economist, Prof Raymond Parsons.

“The decision by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to leave the repo rate unchanged in the present…

NWU student shines at Environmental Law conference

North-West University (NWU) law student Nicolene Steyn recently won second prize for best speaker/presentation at the 9th Environmental Law Association (ELA) student’s online conference.

Several NWU law students attended the conference themed “(Re)configuring environmental law amidst Covid-19” and hosted by the University of Pretoria…

South African economy in ICU: How do we get out of it?

The South African economy is in dire need of resuscitation. A development economist from the North-West University (NWU) says that not since World War II have the local and global economies been affected in such a devastating way as by the impact of Covid-19.

According to Prof Danie Meyer, director of the TRADE research focus area…