I have produced more than 150 original papers and conference articles during the period 1975--2014. During this period I also supervised various honours projects and produced 23 post graduate students (6 PGDiploma, 9 MSc and 8 PhD). Currently I am supervising 3 PhD, and 2 post-doctoral students.
Most of my refereed papers are published in the prestigious international journals such as Journal of London Mathematical Society, Journal of Algebra, and Communications in Algebra, Journal of Group Theory, Representation Theory, Discrete Mathematics, and the European Journal of Combinatorics.
I act as an Editor for Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society, International Journal of Group Theory and Transactions on Combinatorics. I also act as a Reviewer for the Mathematical Reviews.
I have a B rating from NRF and my research activities are supported by various grants from NRF.
I am also a fellow of the UKZN.
NWU Mahikeng Campus, Faculty of FAST, Cnr of Albert Lethuli and University Drive, Mahikeng.