Community News

When business ideas get wings

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a participant in the popular television show Shark Tank, or the British version named Dragon’s Den where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of investors?

Sixteen students from the North-West University (NWU) and the Vaal University of Technology recently experienced…

The earlier, the better for Africa’s children

Imagine looking at a page and not being able to read or fully understand the words because you never developed the skills to do so. This is the reality for many children in Africa. It is also a big obstacle to the development of the continent’s people as early literacy is essential for children’s reading abilities and future success in their…

Christian scholars ponder their place in higher education

Christian scholars from across Africa have come together at a conference in Potchefstroom to consider the role of Christian scholarship in higher education.

The International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education (IAPCHE) recently held its first-ever All-Africa Conference, giving Christian scholars food for…

NWU Wellness promotes a healthy lifestyle

Engaging co-workers in a healthy physical competition is a great way to encourage wellness.

Some of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) staff recently took part in a Pedometer Challenge as part of encouraging a healthy lifestyle.

This challenge was facilitated by the NWU’s Wellness office and was sponsored by BESTMED.

NWU FM Onalenna Leburu announced best Kwaito radio personality

North-West University FM (NWU FM) radio presenter and master’s student in Setswana, Onalenna Leburu, was announced the best Kwaito radio personality at the Mzansi Kwaito and House Music Awards on 24 November 2018 at Carnival City.

Onalenna is the host of the show “Dintshang – Church ya Mapantsola” which plays only Kwaito music. The…

NWU declares its position on decolonisation

Students brandishing posters and occupying buildings; flames licking at the foundations of buildings and, more figuratively, at the foundations of higher education.

This imagery tells us that higher education in South Africa will never be the same. The student protests that started in 2015 and the resulting Fallist Movements* made…

2018: A year for the ladies in Agricultural Economics and Extension

August may have been the month celebrating women’s contribution to South African society, but the women in the North-West University’s (NWU’s) subject group Agricultural Economics and Extension made 2018 a year of achievements.

These women from the NWU’s campus in Mahikeng were recognised and awarded by various professional and…

NWU celebrates a year of research excellence

2018 will be remembered as a year of many research and innovation highlights for the North-West University (NWU).

Taking its research to the public, the NWU encouraged debate by hosting 12 public lecturers which were presented by respected academics, specialists and important role-players in the local and international research and…

Research must have an impact in communities

It is important for the North-West University (NWU) to focus on critical community challenges in research – this makes research more relevant and useful to the community.

The emphasis has shifted increasingly from research of academic interest to research that communities can use. It is not about the number of research outputs – such…

NWU Council reacts to letter containing allegations from a group of anonymous individuals

The NWU Council held its ordinary meeting on Thursday, 22 November 2018. During this meeting a letter from a law firm acting on behalf of a group of clients was tabled and discussed.

The letter, addressed to the NWU Council, certain Council structures as well as individual members of Council and management, contains various…