Community News

IT students ‘scrum’ with industry experts

The importance of industry exposure for university students cannot be over emphasised.  Not only does it allow students to apply their knowledge to real-life situations and problems, but it also bridges the perceived gap between academic theory and technical application.

A group of Information Technology (IT) students from the North-West…

Human Rights Day: a day to celebrate or commemorate?

On 21 March is South Africa observes Human Rights Observance Day. This day is historically linked with 21 March 1960, and the events of Sharpeville. On that day 69 people died and 180 were wounded when police fired on a peaceful crowd that had gathered in protest against the Pass laws.

Siphe Mashece, an academic from the North-West…

Stagflation continues amid the economic recession: SA economy caught in the “perfect storm”

Two economists of the North-West University (NWU) say that inflation is expected to continue on an upward trend this month, while the cost of production is also expected to continue to rise as a result of the global uncertainty and supply chain problems.

According to Prof Danie Meyer and Roan Neethling, a doctoral student at the NWU…

Enterprising Women Programme 2020: Calling all Mahikeng fempreneurs

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Enterprising Women Programme has become synonymous with personal development and social impact, and in 2020 the programme will yet again afford fempreneurs the opportunity to realise their business dreams.

This year marks the eight rendition of this impactful programme as offered by the NWU’s…

How SA could minimise heart disease deaths

Globally, heart disease remains the leading cause of death among middle-aged adults, accounting for 40% of all deaths. An alarming 80% of these deaths occur in low and middle-income countries such as South Africa.

This is one of the findings from the multinational Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study, in which the…

Storytelling the focus of 35th annual SAVAH Conference

This year will see the North-West University (NWU) play host to the 35th annual South African Visual Arts Historians (SAVAH) Conference in September 2020. The event represents a dynamic collaboration between SAVAH and the NWU’s research niche area, Visual Narratives and Creative Outputs (VINCO) in the Faculty of Humanities.


Coronavirus – breastfeed to protect your baby

With the current coronavirus pandemic creating hysteria as far as it spreads, scientists have recently established that this virus has not yet been found to be transferred in breast milk. This mainly because breast milk has protective agents against infections.

According to a recent study published in the medical journal The Lancet…

SADiLaR takes the lead in digitising establishing 11 national languages

Digitising South Africa’s 11 official languages could go a long way towards creating a truly multilingual society. Various projects are currently in progress at the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR), located at the North-West University (NWU), to create digital resources for the country’s official languages.

NWU on the edge of enhanced understanding of the human brain

Despite some remarkable advances in the history of mankind, the functionality of the human brain remains a mystery. Wouldn’t the possibility to look into the human brain with high precision in a much easier way just be amazing? This has just been made possible at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Centre for Health and Human Performance (…

COVID-19 poses a clear and present danger to SA economy

“Market trends and other economic data confirm that the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) now poses a clear and present danger to the South African economy. The ripple effects from the economic dislocation elsewhere and the immense volatility in financial markets have already reached South Africa.”

This is according to Prof Raymond…