Academic News

Intellectual superpowers loading …

On Monday, 24 January, the North-West University (NWU) Business School embarked on the first day of their week-long MBA Summer School. No fewer than 125 MBA students showed up in person at the Stonehenge venue outside Parys, and more than 70 students attended online.

During his opening address, Prof Jan van Romburgh, the chief…

NWU academics join prestigious TAU Fellowship Programme

The academics of the North-West University (NWU) have a well-deserved reputation for expertise, hard work and dedication. This is again evident in two lecturers being selected for the prestigious South African Teaching Advancement at University (TAU) Fellowship Programme.

Dr Misheck…

Raising of repo rate was inevitable

The further 25 basis-point rise in interest rates by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) on 27 January was widely expected by the markets and economists.

Prof Raymond Parsons, economist from the Business School of the North-West University…

Space, billionaires and our new age of going to the heavens

There was a time when superpowers fought proxy wars and the world teetered on the brink of oblivion. There was a time when men rode behemoths called Redstone, Atlas, Titan and Saturn to the heavens underneath hundreds of thousands of pounds of thrust, and the names Sputnik, Laika, Gagarin, Shepard and Glenn…

Covid-19 tragedy is more than just numbers

Numbers are a part of life. And although we might be getting numb, disconnected and desensitised to all the numbers with which we are bombarded daily, we should not get used to them. We should not lose sight of what they mean, explains Professor Alida Herbst, Director of the School of Psychosocial Health at the North-…

NWU has reached capacity – no walk-in students allowed during registration of first-year students

The North-West University (NWU) will not allow persons who did not qualify for admission, did not receive an offer to study or who applied late to enter its campuses as so-called walk-ins during the registration period for first-year students in 2022.

The NWU has reached full capacity for its 2022 intake with no extra places…

Top service award for NWU astronomer

​The United Kingdom’s Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) has presented its 2022 Service Award for Astronomy to Prof Don Kurtz of the North-West University (NWU).

"I am delighted to be recognised by the RAS for my outreach and service activities over my 55-year career," says Prof Kurtz.

He joined the NWU’s Mahikeng Campus as…

Research Support enhances research and innovation through grant writing hybrid workshops

The Research Support division at the North-West University (NWU) recently hosted grant writing hybrid workshops across all three campuses.

These workshops were held in collaboration with the World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organisations (WAITRO) and are…

Erica writes her way to first place

A writer will often say that they find writing more difficult than the average person, but for North-West University (NWU) student Erica Harris writing is seemingly effortless.

Erica, who is pursuing a master’s degree in media studies, was recently announced as the winner of the RSG…

NWU School of Music launches book on musicing and spirituality

On 3 December 2021, authors and members of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Musical Arts in South Africa: Resources and Applications (MASARA) research niche area hosted a hybrid launch of the book titled Ritualised belonging: Musicing and spirituality in the South African context.

Extraordinary professor June Boyce-Tillman, Prof…