Academic News

Survivor to thriver: creating a brighter future for victims of sexual abuse

The heart-wrenching reality of childhood sexual abuse is a global scourge which two researchers from North-West University (NWU) are tackling by assisting survivors to deal with their trauma and thrive.  

The worldwide prevalence as measured in 22 countries indicates that 18% to 20% of girls and 8% to 9% of boys have to cope with this trauma…

NWU Colloquium on Internationalisation and Social Cohesion

The Mahikeng Campus of the North-West University (NWU) recently hosted a colloquium with the theme “Internationalisation and Social Cohesion”, with a specific focus on the social and institutional experiences of international students and minority students.

Facilitated by Prof Lumkile Lalendle, vice-rector, the colloquium took its…

Are tax payers getting value for their money?

Prof Danie Meyer and Dr Andre Mellet from the North-West University’s Vanderbijlpark Campus (NWU) and experts in Local Economic Development (LED) and Monetary Economics respectively, is of the opinion that South African tax payers are not reaping any rewards from increased taxation.

New and additional Tax   During the National Budget Speech…

Has SA reached the ceiling for tax collection?

The court of public opinion has it that the 2017 Budget Speech represented a contractionary budget with increased taxes and with lower levels of incentives for economic activity.

In light of this, Prof Danie Meyer and Dr Andre Mellet from the North-West University’s Vanderbijlpark Campus (NWU) and experts in local economic development (LED…

Abe Bailey Travel Bursary – chance of a lifetime for students to visit the UK

Saint Augustine once said that the world is a book, and those who do not travel limit themselves to reading only a single page. With this in mind, students of the North-West University (NWU) are invited to apply for the Abe Bailey Travel Bursary.

The closing date for applications from the NWU is 15 June 2017 (as to provide sufficient time to…

NWU lecturer to participate in UCLA/South African Trauma Training Research programme

Dr Lufuno Makhado, a senior lecturer in the Department of Nursing Science on the Mahikeng Campus of the North-West University (NWU), , will be taking part in the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA)/South African Trauma Training Research (Phodiso) Programme.

He left for UCLA on 20 March 2017 and will be based there until…

Minister appoints two NWU experts

A national honour recently bestowed two experts of the North-West University (NWU). Prof Jeanetta du Plessis and Prof Richard Gordon, both from the Centre of Excellence in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacen), were appointed as members of the National Health Research Committee.

The committee falls under the National Department of…

US officials visit NWU School of Agriculture

Officials from the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America (USDA) visited the School of Agriculture on the Mahikeng Campus of the North-West University (NWU) on 16 March 2017.

The delegation from the USDA’s Borlaug office in Washington, led by Mr James “Jim” Remcheck, visited the campus to give an overview of their…

Constitutional Commissioner to address NWU Social Sciences Conference

Bernedette Muthien, internationally known South African expert on issues of gender equity, nonviolence, and gender-based violence, will act as keynote speaker during the 8th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS) – a collaboration between the North-West University’s Vanderbijlpark Campus (NWU Vaal) and the Social Sciences Research…

NWU economics lecturer set to speak at world’s premier academic conference

Ms Hlompo Panelope Maruping, a lecturer from the Mahikeng Campus of the North-West University (NWU) has been invited by the academic selection committee of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) to be one of the speakers at the Annual International Conference on Business, Law and Economics.

The prestigious 4th…