Academic News

Five inaugural lectures in five months at NWU Health Sciences

An inaugural lecture is an once-in-a-lifetime experience for an academic, but at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Health Sciences, five of these unique events have taken place in the space of just five months.

Between May and September 2017, five of the faculty’s professors stepped up to the podium, one by one, and…

NWU’s top researchers are a hard act to follow

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences again took top honours at this year’s Excellence in Research Awards on 27 October. The faculty won the titles of Most Productive Senior Researcher and Most Productive Junior Researcher, just as they did last year.

Many outstanding staff members from…

NWU empowers staff members

Successfully completing a qualification and graduating is a milestone many a person look forward to. On 12 October a total of 18 staff members from the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campuses in Mahikeng, Potchefstroom and Vanderbijlpark celebrated the completion of their business administration course with a private graduation ceremony.…

Fulufhelo Netswera is ready to take on the challenge

With more than 22 years of experience within the higher education, research and innovation sector, Prof Fulufhelo Netswera has been appointed as the new director for the North-West University School of Business and Governance

Fulufhelo says that he is very excited about his new role. “I have a good grasp of what is…

Lecturer contributes to the world’s knowledge treasures

Language fascinates Prof Bertus van Rooy, who thrives on the intricacies of human expression through language and, for his efforts, has moved up from B3 to B2 in the National Research Foundation (NRF) rating system. Bertus is a lecturer in languages and director of the research focus area Understanding and Processing Language in Complex Settings…

More activities needed to promote early object control skills

Under the guidance of physical education teachers, schoolgirls in South Africa should be exposed to more activities that promote early object control skills.

This is one of the recommendations of a study conducted by Marilette Visagie in conjunction with Prof Anita Pienaar and Prof Dané Coetzee of the Physical Activity, Sport and…

Students and community take hands to champion economic development

Creating a better community requires teamwork, partnerships and collaboration, with an army of champions working together to build a better tomorrow. This is the purpose of a partnership between the North-West University (NWU), the Vaal Local Economic Development (LED) Warriors and the community of Sharpeville, according to Prof Danie Meyer,…

Teachers without borders: reaching out to educators

The 21st century is a challenging time and it is important that both teachers and school learners become self-directed learners. The North-West University's (NWU's) research focus area for Self-directed Learning (SDL), under the directorship of Prof Elsa Mentz, focuses especially on indigenous knowledge for self-directed learning in the…

NWU Council appoints deputy vice-chancellors

The North-West University (NWU) Council, during its extraordinary meeting on 17 August 2017, took a decision to appoint the two candidates indicated below, in order to fill the positions of Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching and Learning and Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation for a term of five years.

Deputy Vice-…

Allegations of plagiarism at the NWU

On 10 May 2017, the North-West University (NWU) received allegations of plagiarism against some of our academics based on our campus in Mahikeng, from the Council on Higher Education. We view these allegations in a very serious light, hence we have instituted vigorous processes to determine their authenticity before making any pronouncements…