World Art Day: Tradition and technology

As the world marks World Art Day 2024 on 15 April, Othusitse Maunatlala, an academic in the School of Communication at the North-West University (NWU), shares insights on the significance of art.

World Art Day is an international celebration of the fine arts which was declared by the International Association of Art to promote awareness of creative activity worldwide.

Othusitse emphasises the universal nature of art and says it is important to recognise the relationship between art and technology.

"World Art Day serves as a reminder of the deep impact art has on our lives, enriching our experiences and fostering creativity.

In today’s digital age, technology has become a necessary tool for artists, revolutionising the way we create, share and experience art," he adds. He says advancements such as digital painting software and virtual reality installations have expanded artistic possibilities beyond traditional mediums.

“Digital art is where art and technology intersect. Moreover, technology has democratised the art world, making it more accessible to a wider audience," says Othusitse, adding that online galleries and virtual exhibitions enable global appreciation of artwork without the constraints of physical locations.

"Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have also sparked fascinating discussions about the role of technology in the creative process," he adds, referring to the debate surrounding AI-generated art and its potential for collaboration with human artists.

“While it is important to acknowledge technology's influence on artistic creation and consumption, the importance of human imagination and expression should never be underestimated.”


Othusitse Maunatlala.

Submitted on Tue, 04/16/2024 - 10:12