We are all active participants in the NWU journey – Prof Dan Kgwadi

“The academic year is about to start and I would like to welcome each and every member of the University community back into the fold as we prepare to actively participate in the NWU journey.” With these words the vice-chancellor of the North-West University (NWU), Prof Dan Kgwadi, recently extended his good wishes to staff, students, alumni, parents, governing bodies and business partners.

He also thanked these stakeholder groupings for their continued support, participation and feedback. “Without you the NWU would not be the great institution it is today and will not be able to reach greater heights.”

Registration period

The new academic year is off to a good start with enthusiastic students registering on all three of the NWU’s campuses. As on 26 January nearly 7 000 first years have already enrolled. The NWU’s target for first-year enrolments for 2017 is 8 894.  

Both first years and returning students are still registering. This process will run until the first week of February. So far just more than 14 000 students have already registered, with the first years being part of this total. Staff from the academic and financial administration, faculties and the student council and its committees are working around the clock to assist especially first years with the registration process. The registration process is constantly monitored and all indications are that the NWU will achieve its targets set for 2017.

No problems have been experienced on any of our campuses, and as in the past, contingency plans are in place to monitor the situation and to allow us to intervene should it be necessary. “With the assistance of all NWU stakeholders we can ensure that we will successfully conclude the 2017 academic year, as we did in 2016. The NWU is a place of study and research, and our staff and students deserve an environment conducive for this”.

Giving substance to our purpose

“This year we will concentrate on giving substance to our purpose: To excel in innovative learning and teaching and cutting edge research, thereby benefitting society through knowledge,” says Prof Kgwadi and adds that the University remains committed to continued engagement and consultation with all members of its stakeholder fraternity.

To view Prof Kgwadi’s first video message for this year - please click here to view it. (The video message is available in three language options - English, English with Afrikaans subtitles and English with Setswana subtitles - please scroll down and choose the option you prefer.)




Submitted on Fri, 01/27/2017 - 10:28