Two new online art exhibitions at the NWU

On 29 September the North-West University (NWU) Gallery launched two new online art exhibitions, which will be open until 29 October.

Malose Pete’s “Art Language of My Forefathers” exhibition is being showcased at the NWU Main Gallery, and the exhibition “Untold Stories: The Legacy of the University of Bophuthatswana (UNIBO)” archive that was curated by NWU curator Amohelang Mohajane,  is being exhibited at the NWU Botanical Gardens Gallery.

Leaning from the past

Malose is an artist who uses painting and sculpture to bring across different societal perspectives with the hope of encouraging people to dig deeper than what can be considered normal. He says he draws his inspiration from moments of solitude that allow him to observe the world in a way that offers a different outlook.

In this solo exhibition, the artworks are made from the soil that his grandmother used to create wall decorations and mixed with cow dung to polish floors with when he was younger.

“I took some of the techniques my grandmother used and fused them with the techniques I learned in my 10-year art career to create new and exciting presentations.”

Click here to view the exhibition.

Untold Stories of NWU Alumni

This exhibition is inspired by a re-discovered archive found at the NWU’s Mahikeng Campus. It is a journey to the past, going back almost 34 years into the history of the university and has a particular archival narrative. This archive was developed with the assistance of Kristina Travis, former head of the Mahikeng Campus’s Secretariat and Archives division, who saved the archive when the department ceased to exist.

The “Untold Stories: The Legacy of the UNIBO” exhibition showcases the work of former art students as contextualised within the cultural and historical context of the university.

The archive consists of original linocut and oil on Masonite renderings of different subject matter. These include figure drawing studies, still lives, self-portraits, everyday scenes from the township and some protest art.

Click here to view the exhibition.


Submitted on Tue, 10/05/2021 - 10:57