Three keys unlock Loerie success for three students

The will to win, the desire to succeed and the urge to reach your full potential. These are three keys to unlock the door to personal excellence – and three Loerie awards.

Three of our graphic design students proved this true when they walked away with one gold and one silver award and a Campaign Craft Certificate on 17 and 18 August at the 40th Annual Loerie Awards in Durban.

What makes their achievements extra special, is the scope of the competition. The Loeries Awards annually recognise the best work produced in the brand communication industry in Africa and the Middle East. They acknowledge and develop creative excellence in the field of marketing and advertising, and also include graphic design and digital media.

Our winners

In the category Motion Graphics, Animation and Short Film, Thinus du Plessis received a gold award for his entry Glitch. His lecturer was Héniel Fourie. Click here view his entry.

Chérie Cordier won a silver award for her entry Volk en Vaderland in the Digital Media category. Her Lecturers were Héniel Fourie and M Jo-Ann Chan. You can watch her entry here

In the Multimedia Class of 2017, a group of NWU students walked away with the spoils. They are Chérie Cordier, Philip Van Heerden, Jesse Harvey, Thinus du Plessis, Bianca Botha, Zarista Venter, Almari Van Niekerk, AB Cloete, Isabelle Smit, Narissa De Villiers, Albert Enslin and Jolandi Kriel.

They won a Craft certificate for their entry Skof in the Television, Film and Video Crafts category. Click here to view their entry.

“Our final-year students usually produce a short film as their final product and as their way of bidding farewell to the faculty, says Héniel Fourie, their lecturer and subject head for graphic design  

“All our entries are filtered before they are sent through to the Loeries. The process is extremely tough as we are up against students from the Middle East and Africa,” emphasises Héniel.

“We are very proud of our students and we have seen how they push themselves beyond boundaries. Their work ethic speaks for itself and the pride they take in their work is truly inspiring.”

“These awards also help motivate other students because they can see first-hand that you can succeed through hard work, dedication and perseverance,” adds Mr Héniel Fourie.




Submitted on Fri, 10/26/2018 - 09:43