There’s no keeping a good man down

Jerry Bangude knows a thing or two about getting the best out of people. Why? Because he knows how to get the best out of himself.

It is this attribute that has helped shape his career as motivational speaker and author since he graduated from the North-West University (NWU).

“I want to motivate and inspire people, and I want to help people realise their full potential. I want them to unleash their greatness within. Most importantly, I want to help people follow their dreams so that they can live a fulfilled and purpose-driven life,” he explains.

With an academic background in both law and political science, Jerry says that the NWU played a major role in influencing his speaking career.

“The NWU helped in a big way because I was able to attend the best leadership camps and workshops. It brought out the best in me. I was able to discover my purpose and follow my passion to do what I love most. I am thankful that I attended the North-West University.

“The challenges I faced were to publish my books and establish myself as a speaker. Building my brand has been one of the most difficult challenges in my speaking career. I managed to overcome them because I was able to keep pushing and working hard. I never gave up, regardless of the challenges I faced. It is important to always know that, whatever you go through, it is a temporary setback – just turn it into a set-up. Always know that your condition is not your conclusion.”

Jerry has published two books, titled I Have Learned and The Hard Knocks of Life, and also arranged the successful hosting of both book launches.

He set his goals and was unwavering in his commitment to achieving them.

“The advice I would give students is that you must believe in yourself. Have a dream and a vision for your life. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and know that your dreams are valid. Nothing is impossible. Education is important – never stop learning. Never allow anyone to discourage you and always keep motivating yourself.”

Jerry has also been the recipient of numerous awards, which include being recognised at the Mabaso Empire Youth Awards, among other youth leader and community builder awards he received.

The bedrock laid during his days at varsity is serving him well, and through his own passion, it will continue to do so: “I often reflect on my leadership experiences and the memories I made on campus. I had an amazing time at the NWU. It is one the best universities in South Africa.”


Jerry Bangude

Submitted on Wed, 06/05/2024 - 09:57