There is no excuse for abuse

South Africa is one of the countries with the highest statistics of violence against women and children in the world. Despite progressive laws and policies designed to address these unacceptable levels of gender-based violence (GBV) – it has not yet translated into action on the ground.

With this in mind, North-West University (NWU) launched an awareness campaign to educate students on why there is no excuse for abuse.

This initiative was the brainchild of the Student Counseling and Development department, together with the Potchefstroom Student Campus Council and Students Advocating Leadership and Transformation.

On 11 March 2019, hundreds of students filled the Amphi Theatre on the campus in Potchefstroom to show their support and willingness to bring change about.

Best-selling author and motivational speaker Craig Wikinson was the keynote speaker at the event. He explained why GBV is happening at such an alarming rate in our country, and what needs to be done to stop it. “Although GBV is committed by both sexes, men are the main perpetrators in a number of cases,” said Craig.

According to Craig men want to control, intimidate and dominate the opposite sex because of wounded masculinity, emasculating circumstances, and having false beliefs about masculinity and women.

“The only way this crisis can be addressed is by both men and women working together to stop it,” he said.

Des Ayob, director of protection services on the campus, also strongly condemned any form of violence and assured students that protection services will investigate any matter and offer the necessary psychological assistance.

 Best-selling author and motivational speaker Craig Wikinson was the keynote speaker at the gender-based violence campaign.

Submitted on Thu, 03/14/2019 - 14:22