Technology: Geekulcha promotes diversity and inclusivity

The Geekulcha Student Society on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Vanderbijlpark Campus recently hosted a Women in Tech event to highlight the need for diversity and inclusivity in the technology industry.

According to head of the project Dean Dube, the overarching theme focused on empowerment and skill development, showcasing how learning goes hand in hand with networking and community engagement.

Speakers at the event included GirlCode ZA's Keitumetsi Tsotetsi, who is a cyber security officer, and Jacqui Muller, a data science expert who shared her knowledge and experiences.

They stressed the importance of finding one's niche, noting that everyone has unique skills and talents. They also focused on the significance of networking and giving back to the community, and emphasised the need to close the gender gap in the technology field with the support of their male counterparts. Keitumetsi and Jacqui urged women not to shy away from this sector and reminded them that technology is not a monster; instead, it is an opportunity to make a significant impact and work collaboratively towards a common goal.

Attendees had the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, mentors, and role models who have walked the path before them. In addition to the inspiring talks and discussions, the event encouraged women to delve into activities that could significantly benefit their careers, such as hackathons and IT-related events.

Dean says the key takeaway from the speakers was that the technology industry is for everyone, regardless of gender.

"Moving forward, it is essential to support initiatives that promote women in technology and to create a more equitable and inclusive industry. With more events like this, we can break down gender barriers and empower the next generation of female tech leaders. Let's embrace our strengths, network with others, and work together to create a more diverse and inclusive technology industry."

Prof David Modise, executive dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, expressed his appreciation for the successful organisation of the event, and gave a special shout-out to Geekulcha for their efforts.


The Geekulcha Student Society’s Women in Tech event aimed to promote women working in the technology industry.

Submitted on Fri, 08/18/2023 - 08:59