Students celebrate Youth Month in style

By Sandile Mahlangu

With the country having commemorated Youth Month last month, some North-West University (NWU) students celebrated the event differently this year. Four students from the university got an opportunity to embrace being a young person in our country and shared it with the rest of the world through commercial radio stations – 5FM and OFM.

Two students – Lebusa P J Jonas and Rediretswe Sikoe – were selected to represent the university as young people through a campaign run by 5FM, called 5 Extra. The students had to host their two-hour shows, which were broadcast on the station’s application (app).

The shows featured segments such as Who they are, a tell-all about being an NWU student and what it means to be a young person in South Africa.

Lebusa P J mentioned that with the country facing a lot of social issues such as unemployment, it is important for young people to get exposure to career opportunities that they want to venture into, as that gives them a glimpse of what a typical work day looks like.

Rediretswe also reiterated that, even though she is part of the NWU campus radio station, being exposed to a big commercial radio station was a dream come true for her.

“I have always been part of our campus radio station, but being offered this great opportunity felt like a dream come true,” she said.

The other two students, Nadine Gwisai and Ntando Nceka, through a competition run by OFM and Vodacom NXT Level, were given the opportunity to co-host shows at OFM with OFM presenters. Nadine co-presented the Mid-Morning Magic show and Ntando co-presented the At Lunch show. 

Speaking about his experience, Ntando mentioned that at first he was reluctant to enter the competition, as he was anxious about it, but ended up entering it as he realised that he had nothing to lose but everything to gain.

“Entering competitions can get challenging at times, but it is important to ensure that as young people we take advantage of opportunities that come our way, as some might be life-changing opportunities. I am indeed motivated to keep going as a young person,” he said.

Sharing the same sentiment, Nadine said that young people in South Africa are occupying a lot of space in the country and the world, which serves to prove that young people are ready to take over.

“It is important to realise that the world is your oyster and growth comes with a lot of uncomfortable situations, therefore we have to get used to being uncomfortable,” said Nadine.

With all four students echoing each other’s words, they mentioned that one must go the extra mile to get recognised as a young person in South Africa. It is important to stand out and make your mark. Every opportunity is worth it.


Ntando Nceka co-presenting in the OFM studio with Nolwethu Dyonase.


Lebusa P J Jonas


Rediretswe Sikoe


Nadine Gwisai

Submitted on Thu, 07/06/2023 - 11:35