Students associate the NWU with excellence

According to a 2022 report presented by Universum, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) students associate the university with academic excellence and safety.

Universum is a global data-driven, insight-led employer branding agency that focuses on brand perception based on students’ experience. The agency surveys students and alumni from numerous higher education institutions every year.

The study from which the 2022 report was compiled, was conducted between September 2021 and April 2022, and 15 448 NWU students participated – 8 117 from the Potchefstroom Campus, 4 381 from the Mahikeng Campus, and 2 950 from the Vanderbijlpark Campus. The online survey drew responses from 92 053 students nationwide, where participants rated their respective institutions.

It covered various topics, including university and brand perception, career services and communication, and career and employer preferences.

According to the report, there have been positive changes in perceptions around diversity, equity, inclusion, culture and values at the NWU.

Manager of the NWU Career Centre, Thoriso Maseng, says this year saw a significant increase in student participation, with 15 448 students participating in the study versus 8 125 in 2021.

"We are happy about the positive trends in the report. It allows us to understand our students' preferences and talent profiles, and informs us on how NWU students and alumni perceive the NWU as a brand. The report also serves as a guide for an informed reflection towards continuous improvement of our brand as a university," says Thoriso.

Certificates of recognition are presented to universities that have met the minimum respondent and attribute threshold requirements, and the university was awarded the 2022 Universum Student Experience Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Institutional Offering.

"This certificate acknowledges the NWU’s excellent academic offerings, as perceived by our students," adds Thoriso.

Submitted on Tue, 09/20/2022 - 09:52