The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Student Counselling and Development (SCD) department is launching a #NWUStudentWellbeing project.
For the next 14 weeks, SCD will be covering themes that highlight the university’s values and speak directly to student wellbeing.
The heart-felt aim of SCD is to support the psycho-social wellbeing of students during their journey at the NWU. They believe psychological or emotional wellbeing is just as important as academic development since you need both to succeed.
The project aims to empower students with the knowledge, skills, tools and resources they can utilise to develop and reach optimal wellbeing.
The #NWUStudentWellbeing project includes various blended-learning methods such as podcasts, infographics, posters, webinars, quizzes and question-and-answer sets.
Students can participate in various ways:
- Follow SCD on social media and eFundi to take note of various campaigns:
- Facebook (NWU Student Counselling and Development:
- Instagram (@nwu_scd:
- Make one-to-one appointments with SCD via eFundi (
- Complete the “Ask us anything about the theme” survey:
4. Share their own your story by using the tag #nwuscd.