Student Counselling and Development hosts inaugural talk for men

On 10 October 2019 the Guidance and Counselling Centre on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Mahikeng hosted a gentleman’s talk under the theme: # Am I next Breaking the silence...!!

The purpose of this event was to create a platform for male students to engage with various stakeholders to gain knowledge and receive guidance regarding the challenges they experience. Furthermore, it was aimed at exploring the impact that absent and/or uninvolved fathers have on the psychosocial functioning of young males.

Bapaletswe Diphoko and Dr Ellse Tsolo were the guest speakers at the gentleman’s talk.

Bapaletswe encouraged the young men to join hands in the fight against gender-based violence. “Gender-based violence is a widely known problem and is mainly perpetrated by men, community members and individuals who tolerate negative masculine practices,” he said.

“As young men you have the important responsibility to promote and encourage ending violence in our communities and getting rid of the current status quo.

“On the same scale, it is also critical to combat not only the individual instances of violence, but also the systemic forms of violence, as violence does not occur in a vacuum but rather in a society that condones and encourages it,” added Bapaletswe.

Dr Tsolo emphasised the fact that today’s male students will be fathers tomorrow.

“You need to know from now onwards that if you decide to be absent and not take up the important role of a father, your kids are more likely to be aggressive,” he said.

“Not having that important figure in their lives, young people are more likely to have anger issues, get involved in illegal activities, drop out of school and university due to lack of effort and motivation, and may develop psychological and emotional problems.

“On the other hand, children raised by caring fathers have better verbal skills and intellectual functioning, which lead to better educational outcomes and many other advantages,” he added.

According to Donald Molema, the event organiser, this Gentleman’s talk was the first step towards a Gentlemen’s Talk Conference to be held next year.

Bapaletswe Diphoko addresses young male students during the recent Gentleman’s talk.





Submitted on Tue, 10/15/2019 - 14:58