Smart money is on the NWU

Five wins from five games, including a thrilling 37-36 win against Maties. The North-West University’s (NWU’s) netball team is the Varsity Netball log leaders having scored 314 points and only conceding 147.

For the defending champions of the past two years, this is a 167 points return on investment. Yes, it is safe to say that the NWU is on track for an unprecedented third consecutive Varsity Netball crown.

With one round left before the playoff stages, the NWU will face Kovsies on Monday 25 September in Bloemfontein. Kovies are sitting pretty in second place on the overall log having incurred only one loss at the hands of UP Tuks.

In order of occurrence, the NWU beat UJ 59-25, UP Tuks 40-34, VUT 94-15, UWC 84-37 and Maties 37-36. It is a sequence of victories not to be scoffed at. All this bodes very well for coach Dorette Badenhorst in her last season as head coach.

There has also been numerous outstanding performances by individual players, and it would be unfair to single out only a few. However, Zandré Erasmus who bagged her seventh Varsity Netball Player of the Match award – a tournament record – deserves a mention.

The NWU is assured of a place in the playoffs and, should they prevail against Kovsies, will most likely face them or Maties in the final. Both will be tough matches, but if this team has taught us anything it is that they don’t buckle under pressure. Composure has been one of their hallmarks since Dorette has been at the helm of the team.

So, if you are a betting person, put your money on the NWU. It’s a safe bet.  

Submitted on Wed, 09/20/2017 - 09:45