School of Nursing lends a helping hand

The School of Nursing on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus recently extended a helping hand to the Legae Motheo orphanage situated in Seweding village.

This charitable effort was an embodiment of the school's commitment to giving back to the community and addressing the needs of those less fortunate.

Legae Motheo orphanage is a non-profit organisation and serves as a refuge for children in need of care and shelter, whether on a temporary or permanent basis. The orphanage cares for babies and children up to the age of 17, and since it does not have regular financial or other support, it relies heavily on donations to sustain its operations.

Facilitated by the School of Nursing's marketing and recruitment committee, the school launched a donation drive with resounding success.

The team aimed to collect a wide variety of essentials to enhance the lives of the orphanage's residents. Staff and students opened their hearts, enabling the team to collect a wide variety of essentials to enhance the lives of the orphanage's resident. These items ranged from food such as maize meal and vegetables, to self-carenecessities such as washing powder, toothpaste and toothbrushes. Clothing, bedding, and even walking rails for toddlers learning to walk were donated.

The day's proceedings were overseen by Gopolang Gause, the deputy chairperson of the School of Nursing's marketing committee, and community engagement champion Prof Leepile Sehularo who represented the school's management. Chairperson of the marketing committee Isaac Mokgaola presented the donated items to the orphanage.

The day's proceedings were ended by a tour of the orphanage premises and a heartfelt expression of appreciation from the orphanage board.

The marketing and recruitment committee members are grateful to all staff members and students who contributed to the donation drive. “Your generosity, combined with the school management's support, are true examples of living the NWU's values and making a positive impact on the community it serves.”


Staff members from the NWU’s School of Nursing and board members of Legae Motheo orphanage, share a candid moment.

Submitted on Fri, 08/18/2023 - 08:46