Sandile Chaka is breaking stereotypes and pursuing excellence

Netball, widely recognised as a female-dominated sport, has been steadily gaining traction among male athletes, particularly in South Africa. This shift was marked by a historic moment in 2021 when Netball South Africa hosted the first International Male Netball Tournament - a tri-nations event featuring teams from South Africa, Uganda and Kenya. In a proud moment for the country, South Africa emerged victorious, highlighting the growing interest and talent among men in the sport.

Sandile Chaka, assistant accountant at the North-West University (NWU) is one of the players who has passionately embraced this challenge.

Sandile dedicated athlete who began his netball journey in 2009, says his introduction to the sport was serendipitous. “While watching a netball training session at school, I became intrigued by the game's strategic elements and fast-paced nature. Curiously, I approach the netball coach to inquire if males were allowed to participate. To my delight, the answer was affirmative, and the very next day I joined the training session. My first competition was against a neighbouring school, and from that moment, my passion for netball was ignited.”

Despite the sport's traditional association with women, Sandile has consistently challenged stereotypes, driven by a deep love for the game. His dedication led to his selection to represent the Dr Kenneth Kaunda netball team at the upcoming National Males Championship in Johannesburg from 25 to 30 September.

This achievement marks a significant personal milestone and reflects his growing recognition on a larger stage. However, the journey has not been easy. Sandile has faced challenges like breaking stereotypes, navigating limited opportunities, overcoming injuries, and enduring the physical demands of the sport, all of which have tested his resolve.

“Balancing personal life, work and training schedules is no easy task. It requires careful planning and prioritisation,” he says, emphasising the importance of strategies such as creating schedules, setting boundaries, communicating openly and practicing self-care. “The support from family, friends and coaches has been invaluable in helping me maintain a positive mindset,” he adds.

Sandile's goals extend beyond personal performance; he aims to contribute to team development, set mental and emotional objectives, and build a network within the netball community. Participating in the national championship offers valuable learning opportunities, including skill improvement, game experience, understanding team dynamics and building resilience, with the possibility of being selected for the South African National team.

As Sandile prepares for the upcoming tournament, he remains focused and motivated. His advice to young boys aspiring to play netball at a competitive level is straightforward: stay committed, seek opportunities, persist and maintain a positive attitude.

Sandile's journey is a powerful example of how passion, dedication and the courage to break stereotypes can lead to success both on and off the court.

To support or sponsor Sandile in his tournament preparations, please contact him at or 018 299 4062.


Sandile Chaka in action on the netball court.

Submitted on Thu, 08/29/2024 - 09:02