Refiloe Mohono embodies the entrepreneurial spirit

To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to know how to network, be comfortable taking risks, have an innovative mindset and be resilient. Luckily for North-West University (NWU) graduate Refiloe Mohono, she has all these skills, and more.

During her final undergraduate year in 2019, she co-founded a brand called 'Complete Comfort', which falls under the organisation O&R Products, which manufactures biodegradable shoe and foot deodorant spray made with aromatherapeutic essential oils, among a dozen other ingredients. Since graduating in 2021, she has been fully committed to this venture.

“Our business has grown significantly, recently acquiring a retail store and rebranding as ONR Holdings. As the CEO, my role is to implement innovative strategies to increase profitability and identify new opportunities to improve customer convenience. From June 2022 to February 2024, I worked for a financial services company in Midrand. My key responsibilities included sourcing clients for affordable funeral and life insurance policies. This role as a sales consultant allowed me to deepen my understanding of critical regulatory frameworks such as the National Credit Act and the Prescription Act,” she explains her career journey since graduating.

She goes on to elucidate how the NWU has influenced her career path and professional growth: “The NWU played a significant role in nurturing the entrepreneur in me. During my first year in 2017, I realised within two weeks that I wanted to be a successful entrepreneur within five years. The courses I took were rich with lessons on time management, problem solving, change management, conflict resolution, and quality development. These skills have become integral to my role at ONR Holdings and are essential qualities for any successful business.”

Her advice to current NWU students and young people aspiring to a similar career path is to start applying their theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios while still at university.

“For example, business management students should seek opportunities to help real businesses improve their operations, even if these businesses are informal or non-compliant. This approach allows you to apply classroom knowledge to real-world problems, bridging the gap between theory and practice. This advice isn't limited to business students; it also applies to those studying marketing, computer science, and other fields. Starting early gives you a head start in understanding how to apply your skills in concrete ways.”

Reflecting on her time at the NWU, fond memories abound.

“My greatest professional achievement is starting a business that creates job opportunities in a country with limited employment prospects for graduates. An NWU qualification has positioned me and ONR Holdings as credible candidates for funding and other opportunities. Looking back on my time at NWU, I have countless memorable experiences, from being chased by ducks near the river to the intense moments of exam season. One of my proudest moments was being inducted into the Golden Key Society in 2019. Another standout memory is the 2019 Entrepreneurship Day on campus, where we sold 15 products from our first official batch of 300 sprays. The positive reception we received that day has been a driving force for my business partner and me, helping us to effectively position Complete Comfort in the market.”

It is a success story that will undoubtedly continue to grow.


Refiloe Mohono

Submitted on Thu, 06/06/2024 - 09:26