Protection Services takes a stand against gender-based violence

Protection Services on the North-West University's (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus hosted an event – Men's conceptualisation of gender-based violence (GBV) – at the campus' Modiri Park.

This initiative was not merely a gathering, but a determined effort to educate students, staff and members of the community about the profound implications of GBV and to equip them with the tools and knowledge to stop GBV on campus.

Moreover, it aimed to encourage open discussions, emphasising the existence of policies and harsh punishments for transgressors.

Manager at Protection Services Fortune Letshele emphasised that GBV is a serious violation of human rights and outlined the moral obligation to combat all forms of violence, regardless of gender.

Joyce Maseko, a prosecutor at the Mahikeng Regional Court, explained GBV as any form of violence committed by an individual or group against another gender, and emphasised the importance of ensuring that victims receive the justice they deserve. She also spoke about the importance of education and the development of mechanisms for students to report incidents and seek assistance in the fight against GBV.

Representing the National Prosecuting Authority, advocate Edward Manicus called upon all to take up the mantle of educating and informing the community about these offences.

Thato Gaobepe, a former offender who had spent a significant portion of his life behind bars, delivered a compelling message to attendees, urging them to keep their hands clean, prevent the blemish of a criminal record, and shield themselves from undesirable circumstances.

“All allegations of GBV must be treated with consistency, transparency and utmost confidentiality. Our doors will always remain open, welcoming anyone in need – regardless of age, gender, or race. This is a call to arms, a collective pledge to ensure a safer and more informed community, where the scourge of GBV is battled head-on,” said Keaoleboga Gababoe from Protection Services.

"We are confident that, with the unwavering commitment and support from each and every one, we can achieve success for the current and future generations of the NWU and the broader society."


Taking a stand against GBV.


Advocate Edward Manicus from the National Prosecuting Authority addresses staff, students and community members.

Submitted on Wed, 10/25/2023 - 08:44