Prof Bernard Matolino to deliver public lecture on the GNU and African polity insights

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Humanities, in collaboration with the School of Philosophy, will be hosting a public lecture by Prof Bernard Matolino from the University of Pretoria on 6 September 2024. 

The title of his lecture is “Governments of National Unity (GNUs) and the African polity: Insights from the 2024 South African electoral outcome”. 

This lecture aims to engage the academic community and members of the public in discussing the GNU after the 2024 election from an African perspective. 

Prof Matolino is an associate professor in philosophy and is conversant with political, ethical and African philosophy. 

His research focuses mainly on his Afrocentric theory of democracy, African political theory, theory of race, and racism. 

He continues to influence African political philosophy and is known for his radical ideas inspiring scholars to examine political philosophy. 

In 2013, alongside Wenceslaus Kwindingwi, Prof Matolino published an article titled “The end of Ubuntu” which continues to be cited among scholars. 

Interested parties are invited to attend the hybrid lecture. Please find the details below: 

Date: Friday, 6 September 2024 

Venue: A1-261 NWU Mahikeng Campus 

Time: 12:00 

Format: Hybrid 

To attend the lecture online, please make use of the Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 311 085 687 576 and Passcode: JQrxLg 

To attend the lecture in person, please RSVP to Ms Lebo Molebatsi, at or 018 389 2552. 





Submitted on Mon, 08/19/2024 - 10:34