A picture is worth a thousand words

North-West University (NWU) alumni Riëtte Drevin, Annica Brink and Elzandré Ayres van der Walt are on a quest to prove with their photography exhibition that a picture is indeed worth a thousand words.

The trio is showcasing their work at the EGLAF Contemporary gallery in Potchefstroom, as part of the *EGLAF Arts Collective.

The exhibition titled “HER: the archetypal feminine”, refers to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung’s theory of archetypes. Archetypes are inborn tendencies that play a role in influencing human behaviour, and is a collectively-inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, personality or behaviour that is universally present in individual psyches.

“We decided to portray seven female archetypes that exist in contemporary society, inspired by the philosophy of Carl Jung,” says Riëtte.  “These archetypes are the Maiden, the Lover, the Mother, the Queen, the Huntress, the Mystic and the Sage.”

She adds that to portray these archetypes, the trio handcrafted crowns and headpieces that embody their interpretation of the psyche of the various archetypes. These headpieces were then photographed and the photography pieces are currently being exhibited until 20 September.

Behind the scenes

Riëtte obtained her BA Humanities degree with majors in Art History and Psychology. Annica and Elzandré obtained their BA Communication degrees with majors in Art History and Communication. The trio also completed their honours degrees in Art History together in 2013.

For the exhibition, Riëtte worked as artist and photographer, Annica as artist and creative director, and Elzandré as curator and gallerist.

*The EGLAF Arts Collective is a multifaceted and interdisciplinary arts project designed to promote, exhibit and sell contemporary art by the variety of young and established artists within the collective.

Elzandré Ayres vd Walt, Riëtte Drevin and Annica Brink.

The Huntress, the Lover, and the Sage.



Submitted on Tue, 09/17/2019 - 11:29