Oatlhotse Ditlhobolo: A remarkable journey to stardom

By Phenyo Mokgothu and Lerato Tshweu

Transitioning from the familiar world of high school football to the demanding and competitive arena of Varsity Football can be an intimidating prospect. However, for Oatlhotse Ditlhobolo, affectionately known as Foden, this journey has been a testament to the determination and the pursuit of dreams.

Hailing from the rural Tlakgameng village in the North West province, this young football prodigy is making significant waves in the Varsity Football scene, and his story is one that resonates with promise and potential.

"The 2023 Varsity Football tournament is the first competition that I have been taking part in since I joined North-West University (NWU) team early this year. So far, I have played in all the games except one against the Tswane University of Technology," says Oatlhotse.

In the last game against the University of Western Cape, Oatlhotse was singled out as an exceptional player. This was due to his extraordinary ball-handling skills, lightning-fast speed, in-swinging crosses, and impeccable ball control. Despite the unfortunate loss suffered by his team, Oatlhotse's skills and unwavering dedication shone brightly in that match, leaving a lasting impression on both fans and pundits alike.

His defining moment came when he made his debut as a substitute against the University of Johannesburg (UJ). Positioned as the left-winger, he wasted no time in announcing his arrival on the pitch. His quick decision-making and exceptional ball control often left the UJ defense bewildered.

His preferred strategy involves receiving the ball behind the defenders, capitalising on his breath-taking pace to ensure he reaches it first. This approach has proven instrumental in creating goal-scoring opportunities for his team.

Oatlhotse's impact has been consistent across all the matches he has played. His incisive runs down the left flank, combined with his ability to deliver precise through passes, have frequently come close to resulting in goals. What's even more impressive is that Oatlhotse initially began his football journey as a left-back before successfully transitioning into a forward, showcasing his remarkable versatility on the field.

When asked about the source of his motivation, Oatlhotse credits his more experienced teammates for providing invaluable guidance and inspiration. At just 20 years old, freshly out of high school football, he has made a significant mark in the Varsity Football tournament.

Oatlhotse 's football journey commenced in Tlakgameng when he was a mere eight years old. His maiden team was Highlanders FC, but he later transitioned to African Ball Controllers FC. In January 2023, he seized the opportunity at the NWU open trials, earning his spot to represent the NWU Eagles.

In his village, he is regarded as an emerging football star, thanks to his exceptional skills on the pitch. His goal and dream are to turn professional and proudly wear the jersey of Kaizer Chiefs FC. With his unwavering dedication and burgeoning talent, his dream appears definitely attainable.


NWU rising star, Oatlhotse Ditlhobolo.

Submitted on Tue, 09/05/2023 - 14:36