NWU Young Alumni: here’s to the next generation!

Since the formal inception of the NWU Young Alumni Homecoming initiative on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark, the event has grown in leaps and bounds.

This year’s rendition saw more than 300 young alumni come together to party with a purpose: to raise funds to see current students achieve their dreams of graduating.

As was the case in previous years, the event saw more than 300 members of the Young Alumni fraternity gather on the lush green banks of the Vaal River to celebrate friendship, camaraderie and the affiliation they share with their alma mater.

The event took on the format of a picnic, and together with good music and a traditional braai, a festive atmosphere reminiscent of their campus life experience were created.

A celebration with a clear purpose

According to the organisers of the event, the annual Homecoming serves a dual purpose, namely to bring alumni back to their alma mater and secondly to contribute towards the current student populace.

“From the onset we decided to raise funds to aid students who are on the verge of graduating but who would not be able to do so because of outstanding fees,” explains Jerry Lesele and Mpho Mosia – two of the founding members of the fraternity. 

They echo each other when they say: “The job market is tough enough, a graduate should not carry the additional burden of not receiving his/her degree because of outstanding fees. This year will be the third Homecoming event hosted on the campus, but it will most certainly not be the last.”

“We firmly believe in the concept of paying it forward. We received so much – in both formal and informal education during our time at university, we naturally want others to reap the same rewards we did,” says Mpho and adds that this year the chapter is aiming at raising even more money towards assisting needy students. In 2015 a total of R14 310 was raised and followed-up by a donation of R10 000 in 2016. This year’s event is set to exceed the previous donations.


Alumni from across the country attend the annual Young Alumni Homecoming.


Submitted on Mon, 10/09/2017 - 14:34