NWU wins big at 2018 Pendoring Awards

Graphic Design students from the North-West University (NWU) showcased their brilliance yet again when they walked away with 10 awards and the top accolade of Overall Winner in the student category during the recent Pendoring Awards on 1 November 2018.

They received the Overall award for their interactive installation entry titled “Volk & Vaderland”.

In addition, the NWU walked away with two Craft awards, four Silver Pendorings and four Gold Pendorings.

The Pendoring Awards were created in 1995 to promote and stimulate the use of Afrikaans in advertising.

In 2016 the rules of the awards were amended to celebrate all South Africa’s indigenous languages, enabling all 11 official languages to compete on equal footing. In 2018 all prizes that rewarded Afrikaans separately from the remaining official languages were also eliminated.

“The Pendoring Awards give our students merit within the industry, making them highly sought after by employers,” says Héniel Fourie, subject head for Graphic Design at the NWU. “These awards also validate the quality of our students’ work at industry level.”

Our winners

The NWU received four Gold Pendorings in the following categories:

  • Student TV, Film & Internet Commercials: short film entry - ”Rooibaadjie”
  • Student Communication Design: Two awards - “Volk & Vaderland”
  • Student Print & Design Crafts: “Volk &Vaderland”

The four Silver Pendorings were received in the following categories:

  • Student TV, Film & Internet Commercials: short film entry - “Skof”
  • Student TV, Film & Internet Commercials: animation entry - “Monna le Mosadi”
  • Student TV, Film & Internet Commercials: animation entry - “Japie Greyling”
  • Student Communication Design: magazine cover entry - “Our South Africa: Our Cacophony”

The NWU students also walked away with two craft certificates.

“We are very proud of our students’ achievements,” says Prof De la Rey van der Walt, director for the School of Communication Studies. “Our Graphic Design subject group has once again shown us how brilliant they are.

”I would also like to thank Héniel and all the other lecturers and students that were involved. We recognise and appreciate your dedicated efforts. Your dedication, insight and opinions are all extremely valuable to the NWU,” adds Prof Van der Walt.

“Congratulations to our staff members Heniel Fourie (2) and Jo-Ann Chan (16) who are ranked as the best 'design lecturers in Africa and the Middle East.” emphasized Prof Van der Walt. Héniel is ranked 2nd and Jo-Ann 16th. ”What a milestone - you make us proud.  Keep up with the good work”


From right to left: Hèniel Fourie (lecturer), Cherie Cordier (student), and a Pendoring representative

From right to left: Pendoring representative, Ricardo Liut (lecturer), Elsje Klopper (student), Pendoring representative


Submitted on Fri, 11/16/2018 - 10:31