NWU student walks away with prestigious Mandela Rhodes Scholarship

North-West University (NWU) student Nadia Van der Merwe is beaming with pride. The 22-year-old third-year student, who is studying towards a BSocSc degree in psychology and anthropology, recently scooped the coveted Mandela Rhodes Scholarship. 

The scholarship offers young leaders from anywhere on the African continent the opportunity to further their education in South Africa. While completing a postgraduate study in any field of choice, the foundation’s leadership programme aims to empower awardees to solve some of Africa’s most difficult challenges.

Not only does the scholarship cover tuition for one-year honours or a two-year master’s degree, but it also offers comprehensive funding for the core costs associated with the awardee’s studies, including registration fees, allowances for study materials and research, medical aid, accommodation and meals, as well as a personal allowance.

Nadia says her hard work and dedication have definitely paid off. 

"My lecturer told me about the scholarship, and I applied for it earlier this year. The application involved an essay, a CV, three references and a motivation letter, and after going through several selection rounds, I made the shortlist for an interview. The interview went well, and here I am."

Born for greatness

Born in India, Nadia says her exposure to different world views has helped her to work hard and instilled leadership qualities in her. She has been in between the two countries since birth, but says she calls India her home and her family still lives and works there.

Receiving the coveted scholarship is not her first achievement. She was invited to join the Golden Key Society after her first year, and was top of her class in some of her psychology and anthropology modules. She has also received distinctions for all but one of her modules. 

"I attribute my academic success to the support of my friends and good time management. It's also important not to neglect your own well-being, and I've taken many mental health days to continue performing at my academic best," adds Nadia. 

She says she is proud of her academic achievements so far and is excited about the scholarship. 

"I’m most looking forward to meeting like-minded scholars, and hopefully becoming a more well-rounded and knowledgeable person through this scholarship. I am eager to participate in the leadership programme as well." 

With regard to her future plans, Nadia says she aims to obtain a master's degree in social anthropology as well, with a specific focus on mental health in South Africa.

"I may continue as a researcher, or be an academic. However, doing some hands-on fieldwork to find solutions to mental health issues in the country is something I can see myself enjoying immensely in the future," she says. 

Her advice to other students is to not only focus on good grades but also to harness their leadership skills. 

"Besides the obvious advice which is to work hard at your subjects and get good grades, working on yourself through introspection and getting involved in leadership and community initiatives is your best bet.

“I joined various student organisations when I started studying, and I've learned so much from my involvement. I'd highly recommend it, even if you're an introvert like me," she advises.


 Look out world – here comes Nadia!

Submitted on Wed, 10/20/2021 - 14:49