NWU student leader elected to South African Union of Students

Thabang Vincent Tlale, North-West University (NWU) Student Representative Council secretary-general and NWU Mahikeng Student Campus Council chairperson, was recently elected to serve as a member of the national executive committee (NEC) of the South African Union of Students (SAUS) for the term 2021/23.

Thabang will serve as the chair of the research and community engagement committee during his term.
 “I am planning to make a mark in the transformation of the higher education landscape in South Africa,” says Thabang.

“I plan to reach out to all stakeholders at South African institutions of higher learning to realise the union’s objective of developing an education system that provides equal access and opportunity, and positively responds to the needs of students as well as the economic, social and cultural needs of our country, region, and continent,” he adds.

About SAUS

The South African Union of Students (SAUS) is a student structure that came into being after the merging of the South African Technikon Students’ Union and South African Universities Student Representative Councils in April 2006.
The SAUS structure was established through the consensus of students within the higher education sector via their respective student representative councils. It aims to consolidate and strengthen students’ views in the governance and enhancement of higher education and training in South Africa. 

Thabang Vincent 

Submitted on Tue, 08/17/2021 - 14:32