NWU Gallery presents: “We will Rise Again” exhibition

South Africa has officially been on lockdown for an entire year. During this time a number of people have struggled financially, physically and psychologically.

Nditsheni Managa, who is currently showcasing his “We will Rise Again” artwork at the North-West University (NWU) Gallery, is using this body of work to create hope for those who have suffered during lockdown.

His work is currently on display at the NWU Botanical Garden in Potchefstroom and will be available until 9 April. Members of the public can also view his exhibition online: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=28ZG4Zdvnyg

Nditsheni’s chalk pastel drawings explore the adverse effects of the Covid-19 national lockdown in South Africa on the informal sector, and highlight the plight of street vendors, hawkers, crafters and simple service providers.

His vivid striking palette evokes a sense of camaraderie with those small businesses affected and offers the viewer a glimpse of the hustling and bustling city life.

The city of Johannesburg has largely influenced his artistic fusion of mixed media in collage and acrylic-based work.

These city hustlers have survivalists’ instincts in this state of disaster, which Nditsheni displays through his applied technique that seems almost at odds with the harsh subject matter.


Nditsheni Managa’s “We will Rise Again” exhibition is currently showing at the NWU Gallery.

Submitted on Wed, 03/17/2021 - 14:45