NWU Faculty of Theology Hosts Career Day for Aspiring Students

North-West University's Faculty of Theology recently held a successful career day at the Govan Mbeki Hall in Potchefstroom. The event explicitly targeted high school students from disadvantaged areas who are interested in pursuing tertiary studies in Theology. It aimed to provide participants with invaluable insights into various career paths within the Faculty of Theology and educate them on the enrollment process at NWU.

Career days play a crucial role in shaping the professional futures of students and job seekers by providing them with direct engagement opportunities with professionals. Participants gain first-hand knowledge about different roles and understand the skills and qualifications required for success in their chosen fields. This event, emphasising making informed career choices, equipped attendees with the necessary knowledge to navigate their educational and professional journeys, empowering them to take control of their futures.

The day began with Ms. Azelda Du Plessis, senior marketer at the university's marketing and student recruitment department, providing the audience with vital information on the application process and the various career options the university offers. There was also an overview of the Faculty of Theology and the courses they offer, followed by a short motivational talk from Professor Fazel Freeks, associate professor and coordinator of community engagement at the Faculty of Theology.

As a field of study, theology encourages critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and empathy by exploring diverse perspectives on faith and spirituality. It fosters dialogue and promotes mutual understanding among different cultures and religions, thus contributing to social cohesion and peace.

Ms Dineo Seleke from the NWU's Faculty of Theology highlighted the collaborative effort behind the event, emphasizing the value and appreciation for teamwork. "We worked closely with Azelda Du Plessis from the NWU's Marketing and Student Recruitment department as well as KGMY, a Christian faith-based youth organisation based in Potchefstroom and also affiliated under the NWU as a religious affiliation for students and young people.  We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for their invaluable assistance," she said. The day turned out a huge success as the community showed up in numbers. I love how we were able to reach those who are mostly unable to reach the university, even those that were misinformed about career choices, university and mostly Theology.

The career day showcased the various programs within the Faculty of Theology and inspired and motivated students to consider Theology a viable and fulfilling career path. The event underscored the transformative power of education and the importance of making informed decisions for a successful professional journey.


Prof Fazel Freeks addresses the students


Prof Freeks, Ms Dineo Seleke, Ms Azelda Du Plessis and Reverend Tanelle Well-Dixon engaging in lively discussion.

Submitted on Tue, 05/28/2024 - 09:22