NWU digital marketer talks about the benefits of enhancing your online presence

Sam Junior Mbatha, a digital media marketer at the North-West University (NWU), led the conversation as a guest on #AfricaTweetChat on the topic “The online revolution: Digital marketing and job placement in the digital age” on 9 February 2021.

#AfricaTweetChat started as a Twitter chat, which evolved into the ATC Digital Academy– a global online learning platform that connects millions of students to the digital skills they need to succeed. Founded by Janet Machuka and Barrack Onyango, the platform hosts various experts every Wednesday at 21:00 EAT, 20:00 CAT and 19:00 WAT, and also offers offline events and workshops.

During the conversation Sam provided insight on how job seekers and students can enhance their online presence to attract work opportunities, and how to safeguard one’s digital footprint.

The greatest investment you can make in pursuit of career advancement and development is investing in your online presence,” he says.

Sam says sharing our lives online has become routine and is broadly accessible by all.

“Social media has undoubtedly opened us up to a world of scrutiny, criticism and widespread exposure. The digital age has turned everyone into a celebrity and an online brand, where our friends, family and prospective employers have become the paparazzi.

“For this reason it is important to always safeguard your digital footprint - what you say and how you present yourself online. Companies now consider reviewing your digital footprint and social media presence as an integral part of their recruitment process.”

“By investing in and enhancing your online presence you will be able to attract more and better work opportunities.”

Submitted on Thu, 02/11/2021 - 14:20